What I always wonder is if every quest grants favor, and if not, Which ones do? It seems that only certain quest give you any, or if they do, very little. How do you know which will give and which will give you the most?
Thanks for any replies.
What I always wonder is if every quest grants favor, and if not, Which ones do? It seems that only certain quest give you any, or if they do, very little. How do you know which will give and which will give you the most?
Thanks for any replies.
all quests give favor. but only once for norm, once for hard, once for elite. explorer areas do not give favor though. well you could just do elite once and get all the favor from a quest in one run.
Last edited by neesletweed; 11-01-2009 at 03:51 PM.
Check this thread out:
Failall quests give favor. but only once for norm, once for hard, once for elite. explorer areas do not give favor though. well you could just do elite once and get all the favor from a quest in one run.
Not all quests give favor. Check the adventure compendium to see which ones that do.
Which ones are you referring to that don't? The only one that I can think of off the top of my head is the dragonmark quest but that's just because it's more of a feature than a quest really. And as far as I know, the adventure compendium doesn't tell you anything except how much you've gotten for a quest, and how hard you've completed it. And it doesn't have the full quest list right off (it shows quests up to a certain point above your level and reveals more as you level)*
*Note: I haven't specifically verified this as of the most recent update but it was true not that long ago.
Previous to DDO:EU there was a single quest that gave XP but not favor, that was Devil Assault. With the new release, I believe that every quest in the game that provides XP also provides favor. The type (House P, Coin Lord, The Twelve, etc.) and amount (currently highest amount for a single quest is 33 for shroud elite, I believe) can be verified in the adventure compendium.
Solo = Base / 2
Normal = Base
Hard = Base * 2
Elite = Base * 3
Epic = Base * 3
Favorhor, Rangedeath, Inthedark, Healemup, Axaleal, Hackemlow, Singasong, Intheback
Thanks, that cleard a lot up. (Special thanks to Krag for the thread, exactly what I was looking for.)
So if I do a given quest on elite, then I get all possible favor? You mean like solo,normall and hard favor amounts too?( Meaning if Iv done it on elite onley, and I go back and do it on normal, will I get favor from the normall run? And will I get more if I do the difficulties in order?)
Havent done them in a while, but the giant caves in Threnal didn't
give favor previously.
Ok, a new oddity, I have a totally free account currently.Apparently that means, well Ill show you.
Im in the adventure condominium,in the favor(were it shows you relations). By the coinlords, the bar is filled, and when i hover over it the favor amounts show, like normal, but it says (i don't remember the exact numbers,estimation) 145/75.I know the 75 is correct.Is that some limitation Iv overdone? On my overall, it seems that it all counted. Thanks for any help!
You should've gotten a mail form the Coin Lord rep. Go talk to him.
Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.
To err is human, to forgive is divine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policyJinger~Docholiday~Fritobandito~Bandshee~Grudock~Seigeengine
Were do I get this "Reward" you speak of?Iv heard about these and wonderd why i never got one. Thanks!
Depends on the favor type, coin lord favor is a guy by the bank in marketplace, house P is a guy over by the mailbox in house P, etc. The total favor (i.e. the one that unlocks drow and 32pt builds) guy is Nyx the drow in harbor.
When you reach a favor mark for a given faction it sends you an in-game mail, that mail will tell you who to talk to.
Iv gotten those, I always thaught it was just to update you on more turbine points.
Thanks alout everyone for the help.
If anyone else reading this thread has questions feel free to ask!
Last edited by 11Lonewolf11; 11-22-2009 at 07:18 PM.