I've been playing again for a month, after a two year or so hiatus. Back when I played, every rogue was happy in disabling traps. As it was well accepted that's what they were there for. However these days who cannot disable, or even find traps for that matter. I realize it happens occasionally, but isn't it well accepted that's the primary job of a rogue? It wouldn't bother me as much if they would state that they aren't specialized to disable traps, or find them. But they don't... When asked, why they aren't disabling they'll respond with something like "I jus kill munsters lolz"... Okay okay, so most are actually not that idiotic. Still, it amazes me how many rogues time after time fail to disable traps of their level even on hard.
I'm in no way saying the only role for a rogue is to disable traps, and nothing else. As I've seen the damage rogues can do in certain situations. In fact, as a monk with unbalancing strike - I complement pure DPS rogues quite well.
I always tell new rogues (Search, is the bane of all rogues). Why? If there is any problem with the whole trap interactions in this game is that generally rogues tend to stock up on +Disable skills, and items. While forgoing Search all together. If only I had a dollar for every time I heard "If I can find the CP I can disable it!". And generally it's true. If I have a ranger who had a high search ends up finding the trap - the rogue can generally disable it. But it's not effective concentrating on two classes to do something one class can do!
SO why did I post this topic? New rogues, please... For the love of god. If you cannot disable traps, please mention it when you join a party. You may think rogues are assassins in disguise but the main reason you got the nifty /invitation to a party 99% of the time is to disable traps. Remember not to forgo search in favor of other skills, as it seems that's the hardest part of disabling a trap.
A rogue who doesn't disable, is like a wizard who melees only.
It's sad that every time I invite a rogue these days I'm forced to ask, "Do you disable traps?". On top of that, I carry +5 Search goggles, and Fox Cunning pots with me at all times. As well as +Skill clickies like Heroism. When I do find a good rogue(Especially VIP) I immeditately add them to my friends list.
Remember! Rogues IMO are the most important class in this game in terms of grouping. Multiple classes can heal, tank, and buff. BUT only one class can disable traps ; ) and a group who doesn't disable traps is a **** group! Elite traps are deadly, and can make or break a group in some quests.
So is it just me? Or have other players seen this often as well? Am I being an ass? Being picky?