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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Looking for very active, helpful, Ghallanda Guild

    I am stuck with a guild that doesnt arrange anything, that you get a party with if your just lucky and I didnt pay VIP for that. I need a guild that works together for raids, pre raid requisites and just general questing for xp and favor. One that also will help u if u need it.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default well...

    Just came across your post. As you can see, I don’t post to the forums but I do read them almost daily. I don’t usually end up in the Guild Forums because I am not looking for a guild. I just happened to be over here because I was looking to see if I could find anything about my guild because I think it is fabulous!

    I don't know what guild you are in or if you have found a new guild, but I am in the Blue Masters. It is a fairly new guild (I think like maybe 4 months old) but there are a lot of members and usually quite a few people on. I have been a member for almost two months. I don't do Pugs anymore, because I don't have to. I am VIP and there are quite a few other VIP's and F2P's who buy content. In fact, I am trying to create a spreadsheet to track who is VIP and F2P with purchased content so that we can do static runs of VIP areas. I love my guild family! There are a lot of knowledgeable players. People are always grouping up to run quests, raids, and do favor at many different levels. In fact, if I had a complaint, it would be that I quest too much! I need to take some time to put stuff in AH, evaluate new gear and turn in those festivult coins!!!

    You don’t say what level you are, but if you are looking to do pre-raid stuff, I am guessing that you would have to be at least 10 at the time that you wrote this. Our highest member is level 15, but quite a few of us are 9-14. I am actually level 12. Of course, I have a few alternate toons that are lower levels.

    Everyone has been nothing but nice and helpful. I would love you run with ya! If you are still interested and around my level, pm your character name and I’ll find you.

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