So, I've wanted to start some sort of program to help players out and I thought about various options. There are already some great resources available. I wanted to do something exclusively for those on my home server, Thelanis, and first looked at the idea of giving items.
I recall someone handing out potions and what not in the marketplace and I felt it a good idea. I think that kind of cure potions and all that is kind of covered, and while it helps a newer player survive a dungeon or two, it isn't the direction I was thinking.
There is the mentoring thread. That's really kinda hot. Let me go ahead and refer people to that here, although again, it wasn't the type of thing I was seeking to do.
The type of person I'm wanting to help out is the person making the transition from new player to low-level veteran. This person knows most of the quests up to say gianthold and is even making some forays into the raids. This is the poorest person in DDO, imho. Think about it, when your main is just big enough to start going to the desert, and you've got to keep trying to upgrade your weapons, armor, keep enough healing/curative/restorative of whatever type pots and wands, all while trying to get new TYPES of things. It's no longer good enough to have two weapons for fighting, now you have to look for smiters and paralizers, for vorpals and disruptors, not to mention rarer loot that you might have difficulty getting a decent group for, like Xorian Cypher, or desert raiding, or reavering (at level)....hey get shroud flagged and not be able to even get into one until levle 16....or so. It is a lot to keep up with, and it seems to expand exponentially. Let's not forget greater banes, major lores, all the flagging quests, once you try to start really raiding, then all the way to *^#! I gotta get boots so I stop getting banished, gotta eek out the favor to build 32 pointers and all that. THAT is the point I felt the most need in my own DDO time, and that is the point in a person's playing time that I wish to help the most.
My plan? The DDO scholarship. I figure I can afford to donate about x amount gold a week or so, and instead of spreading a lot of help really thinly, I want to help one person each week, as much as I can. Some of those people I can help with gear, maybe they need my ML9 +4 stat item, ML 13 +6 item, or a ML 10 vorpal/disruptor, whatever. Possibly the person needs majors or scrolls, possibly that person is putting their first character through raids and needs help to get some greensteel blanks, or the flagging completed. My assistance doesn't have to be mine alone, I have a few people who have told me set up a giving back program, and they're taking part in it, so its nice to know that there are others willing to help.
Basically anyone interested, and in need of assistance need to come to this thread, or via a pm, and tell me about your experiences and what you are seeking, and I will try to help at least one person per week, more if able. Some people can make blanket donations, or offer various items outright if they wish. If your post is in this thread, and not in a pm, more eyes can see it and the greater the likelihood that someone will be able to assist you.
For the current week, I'm going to assume that Shroud comes back sometime soon, and to that end I'm going to donate 5 of every small, and 5 of every medium ingredient to one person.
Why am I doing this? Well, I just ran up some lowbies and one was a melee drow favored soul. I LOVE this build, one of my best creations yet, but it presented me with a ton of challenges that I feel I was able to meet for two reasons:
1. I know the game well enough to adapt to the given situation or which quests to level up with to pose the least cost to my character
2. I had a few million sitting in the bank and a hagglebard to keep me in heal scrolls
It was tougher than many of my other levelings recently because I did NOT have a lot of excess mid level stat items as I'd gone on an inventory purge and I was just about 100% out of any quality shortsword, particular at level 4-12 range, where I was totally out. Had I been less experienced and less well-off plat-wise, I'd quite possibly have had to abandon this character, which would have been a nearly criminal tragedy as it is one of the funnest I've ever played, and I expect will be once capped and I have wings, and am starting to work in the raid gear that is planned. We've had nearly two full months of this wave of newer players and many that I've partied with are expressing a frustration at the lack of proper gearing for their level is hindering their enjoyment. Before these people give up, let's give them a hand up to the next level.
Applications should state:
Main character/principal benefactor of the scholarship:
Length of time playing:
Item Desired: (For first week, remember I'm offering 5 of each small and medium shroud ingredient)
How the item desired would benefit you especially well:
Your favorite things about DDO:
Anyone wishing to donate anything in particular, or to offer other resources, feel free to pipe in here, or pm me if you wish to make an anonymous donation. Suggestions are welcome, if you have ideas in which we can better help this type of player, I'm 100% all ears.