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It has come to my attention that as I have began to go beyond level 5 with some of my characters it has become somewhat harder to figure out where exactly to go to pick up quests that are level appropriate. I found myself going around the various houses and looking for random quest givers and then having to hunt down the dungeon entrance to figure out if this was a quest I could do.
I share this because it can be a source of frustration to a newer player, such as me, to not know where to go next.
It would be nice to have a system in place that enabled you to know where to look next. In many MMORPGs certain areas have a line of quests associated with them allowing not only the player to feel like the place he/she is visiting has history, but also providing a finishing point at which an NPC often gives you a quest to go talk to someone in another area that is level appropriate.
I noticed that by hitting the "P" key you have a list of quests that pops up on your screen, which is sorted by level and I think it would be helpful if one could simply click on the quest and get an arrow on your minimap indicating the direction of the quest giver. This would then provide an easy way for a new player to find level appropriate content.
Just a thought.