Hi, I write this as feedback as much as a request for help..

FWIW, I've never considered mmo gaming due to ongoing subscription fees. But I was told of your freeplay option and thought what the hey, will have a look. It grabbed my attention and 2 days into having a look, I started to think, I wonder how much another character or a shared bank would cost?...

So I go to open the DDO store.. Blank, got all the background but no data on it. I probably only messed with it for 15 minutes and did not find a solution on the forums etc. Got over it, played till I got bored trying to find a level up sigil and couldnt buy one either.

Now were here 4 days later, I've decided to have one last go at getting it to work, I get reading in the forums around the place and find a few more suggestions to try. I go to fire up the game and hmm.. Turbine has lost the game.. turn dloads on because it won't even try to validate a data file with that off.. It validates. Oh yay, I now need to re Dload 4.71Gb of the main game file.

I think hey thats not fair.. surely theres a fix, and I go to reply to a post on the forums.. Couldnt login. confirm username and pass. no login.. Turns out this forum doesn't work with Opera... So I have to fire up IE to use it.

And all because I had this crazy idea about actually buying some turbine points.... I got greedy, I should have taken the free game, played it for a week and walked away.

So on balance, The game is great fun. And the free play definitely can bring new players.. But there are only so many hoops that I'm prepared to jump through to give you guys my money.

Even if I were prepared to change browser, disable spyware protection, and switch off any other programs while I play. I would not be prepared to dload nearly 5Gb a week to fix bizzare random file corruption.

Thanks for the games.