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  1. #41
    Founder Jarlaxis's Avatar
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    Default Keep running

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamurai View Post
    Okay, I did miss that part... so you hve to run it at least once.. but then what? What would you do for fun? If you're capped.. and now no longer NEED to run a raid (more then once) to get stuff what would you do?
    I would say keep running it anyway, but when you've just completed that 80th run of Titan looking to get a Chattering Ring that has eluded you for months, and still don't get it, Say Bah, I'll use my token. Or if you get lucky and actually get one on the first few tries, keep running it for that battle coin, or w/e else you want.

  2. #42
    Community Member Kemoc's Avatar
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    I think that despite the success of the free to play move, subscription players are the bread and butter, faithful long term support for the game, steady sure income. And although the VIP deal is not bad, it seems to me there is just a little something missing. There needs to be a little something to sweeten the deal if my take on the forum posts is correct. I think most agree the OP loot idea was over the top and suggested 1500 tp is too much as well, but I think 500 is a little shy. Perhaps 700 or so, extra favor points was not a bad idea, but an over all bump would be easier to do, or a VIP price at the store. I still think a special vanity item would appease most VIP. Something with haggle on it like the bandana, or spurs, ribbons like the knights used to fly for the ladies, tabards, just a few thoughts.
    Last edited by Kemoc; 10-29-2009 at 07:21 PM.

  3. #43
    Community Member Robi3.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronAngel View Post
    You really need to see my original post to see what I was actually talking about here. It should be in here somewhere.

    What my original point was that premium or VIP's actually get less benefit tan new players. That being the fact that those of us who have been around for some time and actually ground out favor for certain rewards are being restricted to server only rewards, whereas new players (and old) can just pay a couple of bucks to open things account wide. I feel it should be the opposite. Let those longterm loyal VIP's or premium or even non-premium open up things like 32 point, drow or FS on an account wide basis instead of server only and let those choosing the easy button pay to unlock it in each server.
    I read your post and the spin-off thread. Meh, I have been here just as long as you and have ground out the same favor rewards as you. Personally I couldn't care less that someone can now buy what I worked for and have a better version of it. You know why? because now I am thinking "wow I can buy that to and get unlocks on every server that is so worth it". In the long run keeping it the way it is now will bank Turbine more money and in turn will give the game I love playing longer life and produce more content which is what I want more then anything.

    In a way. This course of thought is more loyal to Turbine and the game then Thinking that being longer entitles you to better benefits then someone willing to pay money.

    Plus the power gap between Vets and new players is already huge. That in itself is a awesome benefit for your loyalty.
    there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

  4. #44
    Community Member CDG's Avatar
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    It's a great idea. But instead of raid chests, you should get an "I win the dungeon" button.

    That way if you're a talentless gimp that' can't get groups due to the charisma bypass you can just step into any dungeon, hit the "I win" button, and post about your achievements on the forums.

    Lay off the bong for a while OP.

  5. #45
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDG View Post
    It's a great idea. But instead of raid chests, you should get an "I win the dungeon" button.

    Lay off the bong for a while OP.
    I've got to agree with CDG on this one. Dramatically punishing premium players after they have given Turbine a lot of money up front is a pretty bad idea. By giving VIPs sudden enormous benefits like free raid loot - you're really sticking it to the premiums.

    It wouldn't encourage players of future Turbine MMOs to put cash up front, and DDO is supposed to be a testing ground for that. You don't use your testing ground to hurt your reputation and future products.

    Since you're suggesting free raid loot, why not the big red "I win" button that you can hit in any quest or raid?
    Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)

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