Originally Posted by
This would of course open the door for some rather nasty exploits.
Is this your entry for Understatement of the Year? If so, it's a great one .
Seriously, there would be no end of the possibilities for exploits if you could earn any sort of nice rewards by running an offline client. With the right tools, virtually any security can be broken if players are on the other end of the connection (and we obviously are), and players are much better at that than even most seasoned developers would imagine. One time AC changed all of the encodings for the streaming protocol used to talk to the client, and they figured it would take weeks for someone to reverse engineer it again. In reality, it took less than a single day. Likewise, UO tried to put in some "anti-macroing" code, and spent 3 man-weeks putting in some good encryption around it. Someone broke it over a long weekend, so tons of effort were flushed right down the toilet. Even worse, players outnumber developers by many orders of magnitude, so they simply cannot chase that sort of thing around effectively.
That's why one of those Laws of Online World Design says this:
Never trust the client. Never put anything on the client. The client is in the hands of the enemy. Never ever ever forget this.
If they were to let us run these dungeons entirely on the client, it would need to be for fun, not for rewards. Of course, that would require that they build some of the server AI into the client, and that level of detailed knowledge of how it works could open up even more exploits - this time in the online game.