I would like to have a way to flag items in my inventory as unable to be sold.
My cleric may be packing 100 Heal scrolls, various wands of cure this-and-that, and other items that I carry in my inventory as a matter of course. (underwater action, proof against poison, etc.)
This presents a challenge when I've gone on an adventure or two and have tons of vendor fodder. I always end up selling something that I didn't mean to if I don't meticulously take the time to look at each item. (Is that one of my regular wands or one I just picked up? Is that the clickie I have hotkey'd or did I just loot that?)
It would be nice if specific items, or even entire tabs of inventory, could be somehow marked so that they wouldn't show up in the list when it's time to sell.
Thanks to all -- I honestly had no idea it was already in there!