Dear Devs,
When the Favored Soul class came out, at level 17, they gained white wings. Now, the wings are yellow. And they are super-crazy ugly.
Change them back.
Dear Devs,
When the Favored Soul class came out, at level 17, they gained white wings. Now, the wings are yellow. And they are super-crazy ugly.
Change them back.
I think we should have the option for white angel wings or scaly devil wings. Who says you have to be a soul favored by a kind and benevolent boring god?
Also when we die we should have an explosion of feathers like a big chicken getting hit by a truck going 100 mph. BWAWAK!
What is the purpose of the wings?
Do they act like a permanent featherfall?
Do you get to fly and drop BB and commet strike on the mobs?
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
they're the animation for the active feat: leap of faith
Originally Posted by compendium
Rule one: never act incautiously when confronting a little bald wrinkly smiling old man. ~ Terry Pratchett
It's just a symbol, like fighters have blue swords, and wizards have spell books.
You mean like this?
They should be the same color as the character's hair. So that the... um... back porch?... matches the drapes.
Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
Dragonmark Alliance : Fernia : Ghallanda
there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
I think they did it to prevent it from looking like direct copypasta of the Defender of Siberys defensive stance.
But I do like Twerpp's idea of the feathers flying everywhere! Please implement it!
Wings should work as follows:
Good: Angelic/shimmering wings
G/E Neutral: Bird-like wings
Evil: Bat/demonic wings
Chaos: Comprised of swirling/shifting energy
L/C Neutral: No additional effects?
Law: Metallic/reflective
Alignment aesthetics are cumulative and stack, so Chaotic Evil wings would be Demonic and made up of shifting energies.
Wing colour: Selectable at creation
Perhaps the wings could be tied to the god the FvS chooses to follow? Vulkoor worshipers could have dark, bat like wings, whilst Warforged following the Lord of Blades could sport metallic wings with hundreds of razor sharp edges.
Of course, going by PnP, the wings of Favored Souls DO change depending on their alignment.
As long as we are on the topic of wings, here are some things that would be neat:
1) Have a way for making them last longer so we leave them visible for the full 2 min time.
2) When you use them, all they do is appear and vanish. Really they should flap as they push you along. And if you are just standing they should move around a bit and streach out and back occasionally so they don't look static.
3) Have a way to auto-flap them. When I want to run fast, I have to click my hotkey every 2 seconds. It would be nice to just turn them on, and move fast without having to keep clicking.
People seem to like them, so I think that the programers should go with the flow, but that leads me to another idea, but that is for a different thread.
New Store Item: Cosmetic Wing Dye!
Personally, I like the Yellow, but red, green, blue or even rainbow colors would be neat.
The effect is really what is the best though, with a hot key for clicking the leap every 2 seconds, you can out run any mobs chasing you, or catch up to party members even if they have haste.