You suffer 1,401 points of damage from Trap:Pierce...
Thank Gary for Evasion,huh?......
You suffer 1,401 points of damage from Trap:Pierce...
Thank Gary for Evasion,huh?......
Missadventur Soth - Lvl 18 Ranger,Binge Soth - Lvl 18 Cleric,Freebird Soth - Lvl 18 Bard,Sumthing Soth - Lvl 17 Fighter...and others
......Fish and Froobs smell after three days........
Nice. Which trap was that?
(as a side note my wizard died in litany the other day to that hallway of spinning spike traps because he failed a will save )
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths
That happened in one of the new Harbor quests on normal....I assume it is an attempt to get around everyones splashed monk levels
Missadventur Soth - Lvl 18 Ranger,Binge Soth - Lvl 18 Cleric,Freebird Soth - Lvl 18 Bard,Sumthing Soth - Lvl 17 Fighter...and others
......Fish and Froobs smell after three days........
After continued looting this evening, I have to retract my previous statement....the quest was elite not normal....on normal the traps are mediocre.....but ya, take heed on the elite's..
Missadventur Soth - Lvl 18 Ranger,Binge Soth - Lvl 18 Cleric,Freebird Soth - Lvl 18 Bard,Sumthing Soth - Lvl 17 Fighter...and others
......Fish and Froobs smell after three days........
........................................... I <3 22/7
Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
When asking for buffs, always ask for the Axer Package
Rakellalea, Razakiller, Spritefire, Eekk THELANIS
Originally Posted by eclipsechild
My problem is getting worse. I tried to involve her, so I rolled a human female barbarian two handed tank with low Int and named it after her. What did I do wrong?