Would have been 100x more epic if it had an NPC on it that had a first name that started with a T and surname was Pain
Would have been 100x more epic if it had an NPC on it that had a first name that started with a T and surname was Pain
Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer
Member of <o>
Hey Joe you would enjoy this. Did Irestone Inlet today, blew up Yaaryar's schooner, and i totally didnt look. I just walked away in slow motion.
Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer
Member of <o>
If you have a caster, hypno the mobs on the boat then run up and light the torch
The only thing that would top it is if they added an air burst that throws any mobs/players on the boat up in the air before they die, hehe.
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Or you could have party members that don't know the boat explodes and when you tell them it's too late.
One had no evasion, dead.
One had evasion and only missed one save, leaving him with 10? HPs
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Then what game was I playing last night
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Heh..when my main was a Drow rogue we decided to test that out. It makes you roll like 5 saves, miss one and yeah like you said it is instant death depending how much HP your sitting on.
Needless to say I failed one roll and they had a good time laughing at my misfortune while taking my stone to the shrine.
Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer
Member of <o>