Please provide a transaction log for your Turbine Points system. A simple account spreadsheet that shows us all transactions on our account with a description. Here's a sample:
Failure to do something in this manner will not only increase the amount of skepticism towards your accounting, but actually give it credibility since we have no recourse or ability to see we got what we paid cash for. Transparency to see where our points came from and went is essential.Code:Date Description Points Balance ================================================================= 09/02/2009 Longtime Subscriber reward 800 800 09/02/2009 Subscriber on 7/31/2009 reward 999 1799 09/02/2009 Beta Participant reward 250 2049 09/25/2009 Points Purchase (100 for $11.99) 100 2149 10/01/2009 VIP Status for Billing Date 10/1 500 2649 10/05/2009 Favored Soul class store purchase -695 1954 Current Balance: 1954