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  1. #1
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    Default VOD SOLO- Battle cleric

    Wanted to get this done before the new mod and just barely squeeked it in. Super tired tonight so this will be short and sweet.

    Used not quite 100 heal scrolls and used 1 mana pot which turned out to be not necessary. My goal was to not use any mana pots but I got scared at end and drank one just to be sure. Wish I hadn't but oh well.

    Link to build-

    I'll add some later if people care but for now here's the screenshots:

    and another

    She has also solo'd a few other quests recently like:

    DQ Elite-

    And Reaver Elite-

    And finally devil assault elite-

    Build is posted in cleric forums. Will link to it tomorrow.
    Last edited by Valiance; 10-28-2009 at 12:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    ****! Kudos Brie!

    Very nice accomplishment resource wiseas well!

  3. #3
    Community Member Whippy's Avatar
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    Very nicely done on all of those!

    Misscarlet~Klya~Chelsey~Mvffin~Sporren~Heathers~Mi nimvffin~Lillmiss~Crumpet~Evanny
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  4. #4
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Amazing achievement!

    That's about 99 less mana pots than the last solo completion IIRC.

    Have you got any strategy tips for people that want to try to mimic your achievement? I assume you worked on the basis of Torc, Concordant Opposition, high AC, high saves, evasion, bladebarrier kiting on trash mobs while letting them hit you to proc +mana guards, melee DPS on orthons, and very slow, very controlled melee DPS on Suulomades.

    Oh and I might just have to post a link to your achievement in one of the 'OMG Battleclerics are the worst thing ever' threads. It's not the forums without a good flame war going, and this looks like good fuel to those dying fires
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  5. #5
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Battle clerics suck, they cannot do anything and if you make a battle cleric u r gimp'd

    Nice job
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  6. #6
    Community Member Gleipner's Avatar
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    Great work.

    /sarcasm on

    now all battleclerics go solo and don´t join grps

    /sarcasm off

  7. #7
    Community Member ShrewMage's Avatar
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    Nice job Brie, heh at least you got that mana pot back
    Olympian - 18 Rogue : Phelnor - 18 Bard WC : Owatanas - 15 Barb/ 2 Ftr
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Amazing achievement!

    That's about 99 less mana pots than the last solo completion IIRC.

    Have you got any strategy tips for people that want to try to mimic your achievement? I assume you worked on the basis of Torc, Concordant Opposition, high AC, high saves, evasion, bladebarrier kiting on trash mobs while letting them hit you to proc +mana guards, melee DPS on orthons, and very slow, very controlled melee DPS on Suulomades.

    Oh and I might just have to post a link to your achievement in one of the 'OMG Battleclerics are the worst thing ever' threads. It's not the forums without a good flame war going, and this looks like good fuel to those dying fires
    the main strategy is an obscene AC and evasion
    If you want to know why...

  9. #9
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Amazing achievement!

    That's about 99 less mana pots than the last solo completion IIRC.

    Have you got any strategy tips for people that want to try to mimic your achievement? I assume you worked on the basis of Torc, Concordant Opposition, high AC, high saves, evasion, bladebarrier kiting on trash mobs while letting them hit you to proc +mana guards, melee DPS on orthons, and very slow, very controlled melee DPS on Suulomades.
    Actually I think that Oddlived said he used 150 major mana pots.

    You've pretty much got the strategy. Other things you have to add are UMD'ing waves of exhaustion scrolls. It would be amazing to have the DQ staff and get a ray of enfeeblement or two off on him but I don't have that loot yet. Actually I don't have any plus 3 tomes yet either.

    You need about 75 AC for Suulo before he's exhausted and 72 once he is to be somewhat ok tanking him.

    I originally thought I would be blade barriering the boss and tanking the trash mobs but it actually turns out to be easier to do it the opposite way.

    Don't get me wrong it was still pretty darn hard and took me about 7 or 8 tries. The hardest part by far is that when he is on his last 1/3 of health he "binding chains" you constantly which is a huge debuff to movement speed and to AC.

    I will add a link to the build in OP.

    Briella- Member of Ransacked Argonessen
    We put the "ran" in Ransacked.

  10. #10
    Community Member shinmade's Avatar
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    hjeal meh honoris

  11. #11
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    Added link to build in OP.


  12. #12
    Community Member
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    awesome job.
    woundweaver 20 cl woundcleaver 20 barb woundbleeder 17 barb woundreaver 20 ftr woundheal 18 cl
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  13. #13
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Nice Brie!

  14. #14
    Community Member Dark-Star's Avatar
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    Nice achievement!
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  15. #15
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valiance View Post
    It would be amazing to have the DQ staff and get a ray of enfeeblement or two off on him but I don't have that loot yet.
    FYI - clerics can't use that staff...

    Edit: Correction, checking its stats, I see one can use it with a 26 UMD

  16. #16
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Nice work - congrats!
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  17. #17
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valiance View Post
    Actually I think that Oddlived said he used 150 major mana pots.

    You've pretty much got the strategy. Other things you have to add are UMD'ing waves of exhaustion scrolls. It would be amazing to have the DQ staff and get a ray of enfeeblement or two off on him but I don't have that loot yet. Actually I don't have any plus 3 tomes yet either.

    You need about 75 AC for Suulo before he's exhausted and 72 once he is to be somewhat ok tanking him.

    I originally thought I would be blade barriering the boss and tanking the trash mobs but it actually turns out to be easier to do it the opposite way.

    Don't get me wrong it was still pretty darn hard and took me about 7 or 8 tries. The hardest part by far is that when he is on his last 1/3 of health he "binding chains" you constantly which is a huge debuff to movement speed and to AC.

    I will add a link to the build in OP.

    Briella- Member of Ransacked Argonessen
    We put the "ran" in Ransacked.

    Could you outline further your strategy - in particular, how you deal with the suicide bomber bats (I assume from your relatively high kill count for a VoD completion that you kill lots of them - is that by BB kiting?), the traps (I assume you cannot disable them while the Orthons are up, unless you slay three then try disarm the traps while hoping the Orthon that's still up doesn't roll a 20 to disrupt you), and also what you feel are the most critical points in the raid?

    To give you an example of what I'm after, were I talking about my strategy for soloing normal Stormreaver on my Clr18/Ftr2, I'd say something like this:

    1) Buff: all five resists, extended, plus other standard buffs (FoM for earth elementals at end)
    2) Run to 10-11 o'clock, set up a Max-Empped-Extended bladebarrier killzone with at least four active at any time, get a charge ASAP
    3) Kill Air Elementals as soon as possible after spawn whilst in the aforementioned kill zone. If charge is lost while elementals are up, quaff Haste potion and kite Reaver and all remaining elementals around outside of room dropping bladebarriers whenever cooldown is up; also spam Destruction and Banishment on air eles that are undamaged or have high HP and Searing Light on those with low HP. Use antigravity time to heal and refresh BB cooldown. When stable again (i.e. no eles up), get a new charge and keep it this time , then set up BB killzone again and stay in it (this gives the best chance of survival if knocked down by Air Eles)
    4) On getting Fly the first time, fly slightly off the ground and kill all remaining air eles, then go for completion lever. Return and beat down Reaver to ~5% with melee.
    5) Get a charge, then kill the Reaver as quickly as possible. Get to puzzle and use standard GGG- logic system to solve it. Ignore elementals (except to heal the damage they deal and to spam Banishment on every cooldown to thin the numbers in case things go wrong).

    Critical points:
    Losing charges when air eles are up or about to spawn - requires awareness of all the hazards in the room to survive this, plus you need to think 'am I better off running, or pulling them to existing BBs and hope they die before the BB expires or they toss me totally away from it
    Getting the charge before killing the Reaver - I've never been able to beat the puzzle without one, due to the number of air elementals and the unforgiving time limit - knockdown lock is hard to escape in the puzzle room, if you can at all.
    Solving the puzzle efficiently - every time you pull the lever and haven't solved it, more elementals spawn.

    So yeah, asking for something like that If you can be bothered.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  18. #18
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    Ok I"ll try to be more detailed-

    Getting there-

    Once I'm at the gates to the citadel room I cast invisibility on myself from a clickie and make sure that I have my dustless boots on as well as my chattering ring off. I also use haste pots and the jump clickie from the new content. It is fairly easy to sneak to all 4 of the outside pressure plates to open the quest. For the far one you need to sneak up the mountain behind it and then feather fall down to the pedestal. At this point I use a summoned monster to gain some aggro and bring a mob to the middle to finish opening quest.

    Feather fall down to the NE and sneak around the room in a clockwise motion and you will find the staircase up. Sneak all the way up to final lever and you're in. Sometimes I kill all the mobs around and sometimes not.

    Almost every buff is important...don't forget Death Ward! He spams enervation throughout the entier quest. Buffs you'll need-

    GH scrolls (or girds but you'll need probably 7 or 8 of em), he spams fear as well.
    All resists except acid and ice.
    I used shield 10 wands.
    Blur 10 wands.
    Yugoloth skill pots for wis, dex, str and con.
    Jump clickie is nice.
    Stoneskin clickies are nice as well when you want to buy yourself a little more breathing room.
    Fireshield cold scrolls are ok but such a short duration I didn't make much use of them.
    Don't forget death pact as it will save your bacon if you slip up.

    Starting quest-
    I zoned in and immediately hit find traps and put my search 15 ring on. Dustless boots on and go. You remain in sneak mode throughout the entire search and disable motions so I just sneak around the entire room disabling all traps while the Orthons just patrol around doing nothing.

    At that point it is time to either blade barrier or start melee'ing the orthons. Either works depending on your build/ac.

    Once the Devil drops down the first thing I do is hit him with improved shattermantle weapon and then immediately start using waves of exhaustion scrolls. Shattermantle doesn't last long and I even hit my skill boost to increase my chances of getting off the scroll. During this time he hits amazingly hard and my AC wasn't quite high enough until he was exhausted so I back pedalled a lot. (Here is where DQ staff would be great.)

    Once he is debuffed it is safe to move in and start melee'ing. Once my mana is full from grazing hits/natural 20's I make sure to go through my buffs and reup any that have lapsed.

    Devils are one of the most dangerous time because quite a few drop at once and even if you are at peak AC they still hit amazingly hard. If they happen to get you with a cursed wound you have to be very quick with the remove curse or it can be game over.

    I blade barrier down all or most of the devils. If there is one or two left I will weaken them down to auto crit and then even neg level them a few times with the dreamspitter to try to use them as weak hitting "batteries".

    Rinse repeat. Once he is down to 1/3 health it really gets interesting as he perma "chains" you which is a HUGE movement debuff and ac debuff as well. At that point I mostly blade barriered tumbling around room.

    First round of bats is a nice recharge opportunity but make sure you have fire resist up and your firestorm grieves on. Once I got a nice bit of mana form the bats ( or once 7 or so devils spawn) I blade barrier all first wave bats and devils down.

    At end I tried to time fireshield cold for detonator bats but actually missed it. Make sure you have firestorm grieves on and Holy Aura up so your saves are as high as can be. Detonator bat times was a constant blade barrier, heal, run, blade barrier, heal event.

    After detonator bats are done I had a crit blade barrier up and a few more clicks and he was down.


  19. #19
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Congrats, sounds like a blast!
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  20. #20
    Community Member stz's Avatar
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    impressive! grats op

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