Thanks for the reply. I actually have GM Earth + Master of the other three in my set up right now, as I had originally wanted Void 4. I ditched that idea because in order to get void 4 I'd need to drop the entire Cleric Dil enhancement line (and the 1 in tortoise), but I kept the other stances for versatility. It sounds like it'd be acceptable to have those 3 masters, GM stone and use the extra 4 enhancements in Human Amp II.
(And I dropped the Void 4 idea because, as a friend pointed out, if I want to vorpal trash I can grab an epic Stalker ring to swap)
As for HP, I was actually laying in bed earlier thinking what else I could pick up. She's pretty gear light at the moment, mostly because that character was old/underused and gosh I can't stand playing my paladin.

The only notable things she has right now are epic Mabar cloak and epic Brawling Gloves. Curious, how does Shadow Fade interact with the Ghostly effect of the Mabar cloak?
Another idea I had for HP gains would be dropping one of the stance lines (water?) to free up 6 Enhancement points. Four of those into Greater Adaptability: Con and maybe put the other two into another tortoise. That'd give me a little gear wiggle room, or allow me to jump up a tier entirely if I managed a +4 Con tome in the far future.
Thanks for the link to his profile, I keep forgetting about the Abishai set. I've played on-and-off for ages so there are a lot of things that slip my mind. I was making a Min2 hat, but maybe I could get the three piece using the boots or bracers.