It feels like the perfect place to hang out...banker, mailbox, shop etc...but no Auctioneer?
Naked Elves and all that are nice, but access to the auctionhouse there would be really cool
It feels like the perfect place to hang out...banker, mailbox, shop etc...but no Auctioneer?
Naked Elves and all that are nice, but access to the auctionhouse there would be really cool
you know what would be even better! A button in our tool bar that opens the Auction house no matter where we are! We could do away with all the extra auction house NPC's in the game! What a concept! ( I personally don't feel this way.. I prefer that people run from place to place and SEE the game. Too bad all the new people have no interest in SEEING the game )
The Gianthold, Necropolis, Meridia, Zawabi's Refuge, Reavers Refuge, Amrath and even the closed Black Loch all have an Auctioneer (and a Mailbox etc..), they are also all the starting point for outside adventure areas.
Not putting one into the Resort Spa but all the other NPCs seems like a oversight to me
Mock, I think what you are looking for can be found here: