(Edited due to information posted before I could hit send)
(Edited due to information posted before I could hit send)
Last edited by Valiance; 10-27-2009 at 12:45 PM.
If you feel someone else did something wrong, all you can do is not group with those people again. And maybe tell your friends what happened and why you will not group with them again.
But since the loot was never in your name, it was never really yours.....so while you may have been treated unfairly, you never actually lost anything.
keep your rep as a matter of fact shove it directly up your own.....
yes im a horrible person lol not only should i be banned on the forums and the game but i should be picked up by the local police and executed......if the crime is pointing a finger at noobs like you and giving you a shot of honesty that contrary to what ur mama might of told you you cant be anything you want if you put your mind to it. some people such as yourself just simply arent equipped.
by the way your post about how based on your build u were very knowledgable really made me laugh. i felt bad looking at your build that it was so bad and you had no idea exactly how bad it was.
I love the smell of drama in the morning.
On a side note:
You should all go back and reread this thread and look at how silly you all look.
I understand the justification/frustration but at the end of the day move on and play the GAME.
With whom you play it thats they story.
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Here me cast about DDO and other topics such as this at www.mmosmacktalk.com
This all goes back to something I learned very early on in the DDO loot system:
The loot Maxium #1:
The loot generated for you in the chest when you open it, is your loot.
If loot gets generated for someone else- even if it's up for a roll- you may get it, but you are not entitled to it.
I've been in situations where something is put up for a roll, everyone starts rolling, and then someone offers plat for the item- owner caves in- rolls ingnored.
I've won rolls for loot only to have it assigned either accidently or on purpose to someone else.
If the chest doesn't assign it to you- don't expect much- is what I've come to learn.
The generous generally outnumber the greedy and usually things work out. If a greedy guild or player mishandles loot like in the OP's case- it sucks- but it wasn't yours to begin with and whatever happens -happens. Move on.
We all have horror stories about loot we think we were screwed out of and it sucks but the system is fair per loot maxim #1.
Since UMD is the most useful skill in the game, and most characters that have it, pump it as much as possible, for a charisma tome, any UMD invested character has as much right as a sorc, not to mention bard, paladin, intimidate and bluff users, every one of which is important for party health.
IMHO anyone should have a right to roll on any tome. What you view as important isn't always what everyone else does. Even a sorc should be able to roll on a STR tome. Being encumbered half way through a raid when it's all useful stuff is a real PITA.
Then again, this is one of those things everyone should be clear on before the raid starts when it's a PuG or intra-clan raid. I certainly don't want to participate in a raid where I'm automatically excluded from a +4 CHA tome if it drops or where only the sorcs get to roll on it unless I know I am one of the 3 people that gets to roll on the DEX tome. What if I already have a +4 dex tome and need CHA? If I'm helping my clan, I at least want to know up front and have the opportunity to digest it all up front.
My 2 cents FWIW... By extension, charisma is the most universally useful stat in the game, all things considered, across the most classes and multiclasses. The same could be said for most stats more or less.
The only way to be truly fair is to let everyone roll on them. If you win the CHA tome and feel like giving it to the Sorc, that's your loot and your choice, but at least you had the choice, which you earned by being in a raid for 3 hours.
Last edited by Hendrik; 10-27-2009 at 01:06 PM.
Argonnessen Server Officer of ChaosKnights
Satsuma (Human/fighter TR'd) ~ Sarkhan (WF Wizard) ~ Morgion (Human cleric) ~ Troubador (Human bard) ~ Zuess (Dwarven TW Kensai Fighter) ~ Mordekainen (Human TR'd Sorcerer) ~ Tharuk ( Elf Monk) ~ FlyingRobot (WF Barbarian) ~ Triskelion ~ (WF Fighter)
This will be opened and ALL HELL will break loose
That's right Tarrant it's time to show the bag!
do u have trouble with reading comprehension? i didnt attack the op, i agreed with the op, i also stated what some of the people in the party had conveyed to me. since i was NOT in the party i can only go with what the majority is saying. i pointed out those facts because those were the facts told to me from several different people. i was not looking to attack the op at all.
that bag photo was stolen property lol i have been instructed not to post any phtos of my bag because people get enraged with ddo bag envy. i do not in any way endorse that photo it was stolen fronm the guild website
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