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OP u got screwed, and i know the story from all sides. I am the guild leader of the A.O.K., the guild that was running the raid. I was not in the raid but was on vent and had an extensive conversation about what happened. The person that recieved the tome was not in A.O.K. but was a player from UB who participates in 2 channels that many from A.O.K. and UB also participate in. No he was not a guildy but yes he is a player that we play with on quite a regular basis.
As I watched J$ speak without the facts in his post and try to make my guild look bad, (great source lol, one of the most known exploiters on the server and his perma vacation should serve as his credentials), or in this post where the person who recieved the tome is made to look bad, i feel i should speak up. Again i was not in the group but about 8-9 guildies were and explained the situation and i have also spoken with the couple players from UB. I agree that the OP was wronged. I spoke with the party leader and he has taken responsibility for telling the ranger to pass it to our sorc friend from the channels. That does not for 1 second make me think that the ranger is not partially responsible for this event.
From many of my guildies that were in the run the impression of the op was poor. Though the raid was obviously completed, they felt that his contributions to the group were not that of the other players. is that true, idk i wasnt there but i would tend to believe the 6 or so guildies that all said the same thing in this case. Furthermore there was some irritablity that when pot count was called for the op claimed he had used 10 pots when most of the people in the party STRONGLY felt that his # of pots used was fabricated and he was simply trying to get free pots out of the group. Again I wasnt there, im not the type to be hush hush when someone is slinging the bull but thats me.
So the raid leader instructed the puller to pass the tome to the sorc for the reasons being #1) the person who pulled the tome didnt pay enough attention to see that there was 1 non guildie/non channel person that may roll should he put it up for roll (for the record the roll ABSOLUTELY SHOULD HAVE BEEN HONORED),
#2) the raid leader recognized that the puller had jumped the gun and that the sorc could A. use it more because of his class and B. is also someone that we play with regularly and will directly have an effect on the gaming of the guild and people in the channel and #3) it was widely felt that in addition to poor performance in the raid that the op was trying to sandbag pots
In guild we have had the discussion of how this was handled, i still feel strongly that it was not handled correctly. But it happened. Idk how long we are gonna see people argue about it here on the forums but it happened and its done. As a guild we have spoken and established what our gameplan will be should the situation arise again. but bottom line is that it is a game. If your life hinges on a fake item in a fake reality then u have issues, however i also realize that i would be p*ssed if this had happened to me as well. I do not think though that bringing it to the forums is going to accomplish much. In J$ case he brought it to cause drama. that is expected because he is a sad human being that clearly has an emptiness about him in rl that he tries to fill by attempting to seem like an internet toughguy. my suggestion to him is to light another scented candle and curl up with a good book, eventually somebody will love you. The op however has a valid arguement, but posting it here will do nothing to change it, what it will do is make more guilds/channel groups go into quests with the idea that rather chance drama like this that they will either take the tomes and not let people roll or just pass them to a friend/guildie without a roll.
fact is and its been stated before, your loot is your loot. if u wanna pull it u pull it, if u wanna pass it u pass it, if u wanna leave it in the box to irritate others u leave it, if u want to put it up for roll u put it up for roll, but if u decide not to honor the roll that IS your right because it IS your loot. BUT....it sure looks bad and isnt the right thing to do.