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  1. #121
    Community Member Superspeed_Hi5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    LOL! I love it! That's like when I order a burger and eat it in front of the annoying PETA protestors downtown. They turn 15 shades of purple. It's great. It's even funnier because I don't like hamburgers all that much.
    I used to do that all the time, not quite burgers and PETA. Me and my lady friend used to walk into abortion clinics just so we could have a good laugh at all the people you wouldnt want to have sex with in the first place scream in our faces.
    I also used to invite the Jehovas Witnesses that used to knock on my door at 7 am up for tea and keep a copy of the Satanic Bible on the table. Weird thing is that backfired on me cause they would keep coming back to "save" my soul. I didnt leave them a forwarding address after I moved out though.

  2. #122
    Community Member Atenhotep's Avatar
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    Delt, you and I are in total agreement, have made the same points, and seem to be besieged by the same trolls who are just too insecure to admit they were wrong to begin with and now they can only keep digging themselves deeper in a hole.

  3. #123
    Community Member Atenhotep's Avatar
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    Concerning Aces Over Kings - To blackball that whole guild would be a mistake.

    It has a few guys who are absolutely my favorite to group with (Merlocke being one of them).

  4. #124
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superspeed_Hi5 View Post
    I also used to invite the Jehovas Witnesses that used to knock on my door at 7 am up for tea and keep a copy of the Satanic Bible on the table. Weird thing is that backfired on me cause they would keep coming back to "save" my soul. I didnt leave them a forwarding address after I moved out though.
    ROFLMAO! In college, I was playing football in the parking lot of my apartment complex with some three neighbor guys. (I was the only girl.) The Jehovah's Witnesses approached us and started their spiel. At some point, they asked which one was my husband. I said "All of them" and proceeded to lay out the sleeping arrangements and schedule of "favors." (I did reserve Sunday as my day of rest.) They shoved their book into my hands, said they'd pray for me and took off at a dead run.

    We spent the next 15 minutes sitting in the parking lot laughing so hard we couldn't stand.

    ~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~

  5. #125
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WeaselKing View Post
    the party leader wishes to tak the credit/blame for the transfer.
    so the party leader yelled in ventrilo until the tome got assigned to the sorc.
    And the ranger knew it was the wrong thing to do, and felt so bad about it that he offered the FvS a +2 tome to make up for the **** move.

    Nice guild you have there. Sure was nice of you to not tell the FvS what was really happening and leave him hanging in the raid for 10,15, longer? minutes hoping to get the tome....

    Just remember our guild tag, we are not exactly famous for being nice.

    -Aces over Kings
    Ah, yes Hefty's your leader right?? It all makes sense now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  6. #126
    Hero OpallNotten's Avatar
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    I am really shocked we havent seen one of these post in this thread......

  7. #127
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    Wow, that's completely ignorant. First putting it for a roll and then going back on it is pathetic enough... but it moves on to cowardly and childish when instead of telling the FvS that you don't think he deserves it or that AoK doesn't share with others you lie to them and waste their time. That's sad indeed, possibly to the point of griefing. Next time grow some balls and either follow through with what you said you were going to do or fess up.
    Exactly... they all left the poor guy waiting there for who knows how long hoping the sorc would give it up... They KNEW he thought he was going to get it because of the party chat... None of them were man enough to just tell him, "Hey, we're screwing you over man... no point in hanging around..."

    I feel bad for the ranger who felt terrible after being forced to be a ****** by his party leader...

    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  8. #128
    Community Member HeavenlyCloud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OpallNotten View Post

    I am really shocked we havent seen one of these post in this thread......

    I am saving mine for when the thread starts dying and i need Hefty to revive the thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordelia View Post
    How does every thread on the Argo forums become about Blah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    My question is how are there threads on other servers and in general forums not about Blah?

  9. #129
    Community Member Atenhotep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Ah, yes Hefty's your leader right?? It all makes sense now.
    Honestly, why he hasn't been banned boggles the mind and just reduces any so called threat of repercussions from behaving poorly on the forums or in game.

  10. #130
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    I like where this thread is going.....

    Oh, and OP, you got screwed...
    Last edited by Mhykke; 10-27-2009 at 12:57 PM.

  11. #131
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

  12. #132
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    I like where this thread is going.....
    You mean went? This thread flew at full velocity into drama llama mode a long time ago. LOL

    ~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~

  13. #133
    Community Member Heffty_Smurf's Avatar
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    Default Ok enough lol

    Quote Originally Posted by DDO_Noob View Post
    I wasn’t going to post anything or make a big deal about what happened to me on a recent ToD run… but there’s been another forum post with untrue information about the event… and I’ve been getting tells asking me what happened. I’ll post the facts here (with names and guilds removed) and you can decide if it was an honest mistake or if I got screwed.

    * I join a ToD group LFM that is looking for a healer (I’m a heal-spec FvS). Everyone is in the same guild except me and a couple others.

    * We complete the raid and a +4 CHA tome drops for a Ranger in the group. He decides to put it up for roll.

    * I get the high roll with an 85 but for some reason the tome gets assigned to a Sorc in the group.

    * I speak up and let the group know that I didn’t get the tome. The Ranger says he made a mistake and gave the tome to the wrong person.

    * We ask the Sorc to assign the tome to me (in group chat and in tells). The Sorc does not respond. He is standing next to the chest and not responding to tells or chat.

    * Ranger says he sent tells and the guy must be AFK. He says I should wait till he gets back.

    * People start leaving group after getting end rewards and it’s just me and the Sorc standing next to the chest.

    * A few minutes after the last person leaves the group (only the two of us in group now) the Sorc loots the +4 CHA tome and recalls.

    * I send tells to Sorc… saying that was ‘uncool’ and ‘W T F’.

    * Sorc responds with “Is there a problem. I was AFK because I had to drive a family member somewhere”.

    First off, I don’t know any Sorc that would go AFK for a roll on a +4 CHA tome. Also, why would he come back and just loot it without saying anything to me standing there or reading his chat? The whole thing seems a bit “fishy” to me. I don’t think the ranger was involved. He felt bad about the incident and even sent me a /tell while on another character offering me a +2 tome (that I didnt take) because he felt bad about what happened.

    Everything I listed above is fact. There’s some more information that I considered posting but it’s hearsay and I don’t think that the guild involved would intentionally exclude my roll.

    So what do you think… honest mistake or did I get screwed?
    OP u got screwed, and i know the story from all sides. I am the guild leader of the A.O.K., the guild that was running the raid. I was not in the raid but was on vent and had an extensive conversation about what happened. The person that recieved the tome was not in A.O.K. but was a player from UB who participates in 2 channels that many from A.O.K. and UB also participate in. No he was not a guildy but yes he is a player that we play with on quite a regular basis.

    As I watched J$ speak without the facts in his post and try to make my guild look bad, (great source lol, one of the most known exploiters on the server and his perma vacation should serve as his credentials), or in this post where the person who recieved the tome is made to look bad, i feel i should speak up. Again i was not in the group but about 8-9 guildies were and explained the situation and i have also spoken with the couple players from UB. I agree that the OP was wronged. I spoke with the party leader and he has taken responsibility for telling the ranger to pass it to our sorc friend from the channels. That does not for 1 second make me think that the ranger is not partially responsible for this event.

    From many of my guildies that were in the run the impression of the op was poor. Though the raid was obviously completed, they felt that his contributions to the group were not that of the other players. is that true, idk i wasnt there but i would tend to believe the 6 or so guildies that all said the same thing in this case. Furthermore there was some irritablity that when pot count was called for the op claimed he had used 10 pots when most of the people in the party STRONGLY felt that his # of pots used was fabricated and he was simply trying to get free pots out of the group. Again I wasnt there, im not the type to be hush hush when someone is slinging the bull but thats me.

    So the raid leader instructed the puller to pass the tome to the sorc for the reasons being #1) the person who pulled the tome didnt pay enough attention to see that there was 1 non guildie/non channel person that may roll should he put it up for roll (for the record the roll ABSOLUTELY SHOULD HAVE BEEN HONORED),
    #2) the raid leader recognized that the puller had jumped the gun and that the sorc could A. use it more because of his class and B. is also someone that we play with regularly and will directly have an effect on the gaming of the guild and people in the channel and #3) it was widely felt that in addition to poor performance in the raid that the op was trying to sandbag pots

    In guild we have had the discussion of how this was handled, i still feel strongly that it was not handled correctly. But it happened. Idk how long we are gonna see people argue about it here on the forums but it happened and its done. As a guild we have spoken and established what our gameplan will be should the situation arise again. but bottom line is that it is a game. If your life hinges on a fake item in a fake reality then u have issues, however i also realize that i would be p*ssed if this had happened to me as well. I do not think though that bringing it to the forums is going to accomplish much. In J$ case he brought it to cause drama. that is expected because he is a sad human being that clearly has an emptiness about him in rl that he tries to fill by attempting to seem like an internet toughguy. my suggestion to him is to light another scented candle and curl up with a good book, eventually somebody will love you. The op however has a valid arguement, but posting it here will do nothing to change it, what it will do is make more guilds/channel groups go into quests with the idea that rather chance drama like this that they will either take the tomes and not let people roll or just pass them to a friend/guildie without a roll.

    fact is and its been stated before, your loot is your loot. if u wanna pull it u pull it, if u wanna pass it u pass it, if u wanna leave it in the box to irritate others u leave it, if u want to put it up for roll u put it up for roll, but if u decide not to honor the roll that IS your right because it IS your loot. sure looks bad and isnt the right thing to do.
    Heffty, Handee, Brainy, Grouchy, Vanitty, Paapa, Lazie, Smurffette, Jokie
    Best Pally and Guild Leader...PERIOD (Handee)
    Guild Leader Of A.O.K.

  14. #134
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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    Heffty shot the drama llama... Boo...

    ~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~

  15. #135
    Community Member Atenhotep's Avatar
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    **** you Hefty. Here I am pretty much convinced you are a d-bag and there you go sounding completely honorable and reasonable.

    +1 rep.

  16. #136
    Community Member IronAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heffty_Smurf View Post
    OP u got screwed, and i know the story from all sides. I am the guild leader of the A.O.K., the guild that was running the raid. I was not in the raid but was on vent and had an extensive conversation about what happened. The person that recieved the tome was not in A.O.K. but was a player from UB who participates in 2 channels that many from A.O.K. and UB also participate in. No he was not a guildy but yes he is a player that we play with on quite a regular basis.

    As I watched J$ speak without the facts in his post and try to make my guild look bad, (great source lol, one of the most known exploiters on the server and his perma vacation should serve as his credentials), or in this post where the person who recieved the tome is made to look bad, i feel i should speak up. Again i was not in the group but about 8-9 guildies were and explained the situation and i have also spoken with the couple players from UB. I agree that the OP was wronged. I spoke with the party leader and he has taken responsibility for telling the ranger to pass it to our sorc friend from the channels. That does not for 1 second make me think that the ranger is not partially responsible for this event.

    From many of my guildies that were in the run the impression of the op was poor. Though the raid was obviously completed, they felt that his contributions to the group were not that of the other players. is that true, idk i wasnt there but i would tend to believe the 6 or so guildies that all said the same thing in this case. Furthermore there was some irritablity that when pot count was called for the op claimed he had used 10 pots when most of the people in the party STRONGLY felt that his # of pots used was fabricated and he was simply trying to get free pots out of the group. Again I wasnt there, im not the type to be hush hush when someone is slinging the bull but thats me.

    So the raid leader instructed the puller to pass the tome to the sorc for the reasons being #1) the person who pulled the tome didnt pay enough attention to see that there was 1 non guildie/non channel person that may roll should he put it up for roll (for the record the roll ABSOLUTELY SHOULD HAVE BEEN HONORED),
    #2) the raid leader recognized that the puller had jumped the gun and that the sorc could A. use it more because of his class and B. is also someone that we play with regularly and will directly have an effect on the gaming of the guild and people in the channel and #3) it was widely felt that in addition to poor performance in the raid that the op was trying to sandbag pots

    In guild we have had the discussion of how this was handled, i still feel strongly that it was not handled correctly. But it happened. Idk how long we are gonna see people argue about it here on the forums but it happened and its done. As a guild we have spoken and established what our gameplan will be should the situation arise again. but bottom line is that it is a game. If your life hinges on a fake item in a fake reality then u have issues, however i also realize that i would be p*ssed if this had happened to me as well. I do not think though that bringing it to the forums is going to accomplish much. In J$ case he brought it to cause drama. that is expected because he is a sad human being that clearly has an emptiness about him in rl that he tries to fill by attempting to seem like an internet toughguy. my suggestion to him is to light another scented candle and curl up with a good book, eventually somebody will love you. The op however has a valid arguement, but posting it here will do nothing to change it, what it will do is make more guilds/channel groups go into quests with the idea that rather chance drama like this that they will either take the tomes and not let people roll or just pass them to a friend/guildie without a roll.

    fact is and its been stated before, your loot is your loot. if u wanna pull it u pull it, if u wanna pass it u pass it, if u wanna leave it in the box to irritate others u leave it, if u want to put it up for roll u put it up for roll, but if u decide not to honor the roll that IS your right because it IS your loot. sure looks bad and isnt the right thing to do.
    Well said! Nice to see a guild leader do some investigating and see that some people are taking blame for a tired situation. I really hope this puts an end to all this, Although it has been very entertaining

  17. #137
    Community Member Heffty_Smurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    And the ranger knew it was the wrong thing to do, and felt so bad about it that he offered the FvS a +2 tome to make up for the **** move.

    Nice guild you have there. Sure was nice of you to not tell the FvS what was really happening and leave him hanging in the raid for 10,15, longer? minutes hoping to get the tome....

    Ah, yes Hefty's your leader right?? It all makes sense now.
    ur cute when u try to seem intelligent lol
    Heffty, Handee, Brainy, Grouchy, Vanitty, Paapa, Lazie, Smurffette, Jokie
    Best Pally and Guild Leader...PERIOD (Handee)
    Guild Leader Of A.O.K.

  18. #138
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzly_Bear View Post
    no. its not.

    sorc = dc and sps
    bard = dc, sps, and perform
    paladin = extra saves, extra smite damage, and extra lay on hands damage
    fvs = extra sps

    imo paladin should actually come first for a charisma tome, then sorc, then bard, then intims and umds, then everyone else (fvs included with "everyone else")

    what about umd specs? or any other class that wants to use SF pots without havign to equip an item? thats just as "useful" as a fvs getting it.
    You are forgetting the very important 'divine might qualification is based on base cha + tome cha'. My paladin recently bought a +4 charisma tome from a friend (which precluded 2 sorcs and a bard rolling on the item, or more likely his cleric taking it for 2 umd or to reincarnate) because I needed the +4 to qualify for divine might 3; +2 to damage per hit is a very big deal, and many older paladin builds are in situations of needing +3 and +4 tomes to qualify for higher divine might ranks .. even cha-based paladins who didn't level in it may need a +4 tome to qualify for DM4 (which requires a total of 20 .. 16 +4 tome, 17 +3 tome, or level ups in charisma .. which you think is most likely?)

    A paladin is just as likely to take the +4 tome as an opportunity to save 8 action points over a +2, given their paucity of available AP compared to all the enhancements they need, but DM qualifiers (this is also significant for a melee cleric, by the way ..) are a tremendous factor that put them on par with bard and sorc need.

  19. #139
    Community Member HeavenlyCloud's Avatar
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    I hate you Hefty .
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordelia View Post
    How does every thread on the Argo forums become about Blah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    My question is how are there threads on other servers and in general forums not about Blah?

  20. #140
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heffty_Smurf View Post
    OP u got screwed, and i know the story from all sides. I am the guild leader of the A.O.K., the guild that was running the raid. I was not in the raid but was on vent and had an extensive conversation about what happened. The person that recieved the tome was not in A.O.K. but was a player from UB who participates in 2 channels that many from A.O.K. and UB also participate in. No he was not a guildy but yes he is a player that we play with on quite a regular basis.

    As I watched J$ speak without the facts in his post and try to make my guild look bad, (great source lol, one of the most known exploiters on the server and his perma vacation should serve as his credentials), or in this post where the person who recieved the tome is made to look bad, i feel i should speak up. Again i was not in the group but about 8-9 guildies were and explained the situation and i have also spoken with the couple players from UB. I agree that the OP was wronged. I spoke with the party leader and he has taken responsibility for telling the ranger to pass it to our sorc friend from the channels. That does not for 1 second make me think that the ranger is not partially responsible for this event.

    From many of my guildies that were in the run the impression of the op was poor. Though the raid was obviously completed, they felt that his contributions to the group were not that of the other players. is that true, idk i wasnt there but i would tend to believe the 6 or so guildies that all said the same thing in this case. Furthermore there was some irritablity that when pot count was called for the op claimed he had used 10 pots when most of the people in the party STRONGLY felt that his # of pots used was fabricated and he was simply trying to get free pots out of the group. Again I wasnt there, im not the type to be hush hush when someone is slinging the bull but thats me.

    So the raid leader instructed the puller to pass the tome to the sorc for the reasons being #1) the person who pulled the tome didnt pay enough attention to see that there was 1 non guildie/non channel person that may roll should he put it up for roll (for the record the roll ABSOLUTELY SHOULD HAVE BEEN HONORED),
    #2) the raid leader recognized that the puller had jumped the gun and that the sorc could A. use it more because of his class and B. is also someone that we play with regularly and will directly have an effect on the gaming of the guild and people in the channel and #3) it was widely felt that in addition to poor performance in the raid that the op was trying to sandbag pots

    In guild we have had the discussion of how this was handled, i still feel strongly that it was not handled correctly. But it happened. Idk how long we are gonna see people argue about it here on the forums but it happened and its done. As a guild we have spoken and established what our gameplan will be should the situation arise again. but bottom line is that it is a game. If your life hinges on a fake item in a fake reality then u have issues, however i also realize that i would be p*ssed if this had happened to me as well. I do not think though that bringing it to the forums is going to accomplish much. In J$ case he brought it to cause drama. that is expected because he is a sad human being that clearly has an emptiness about him in rl that he tries to fill by attempting to seem like an internet toughguy. my suggestion to him is to light another scented candle and curl up with a good book, eventually somebody will love you. The op however has a valid arguement, but posting it here will do nothing to change it, what it will do is make more guilds/channel groups go into quests with the idea that rather chance drama like this that they will either take the tomes and not let people roll or just pass them to a friend/guildie without a roll.

    fact is and its been stated before, your loot is your loot. if u wanna pull it u pull it, if u wanna pass it u pass it, if u wanna leave it in the box to irritate others u leave it, if u want to put it up for roll u put it up for roll, but if u decide not to honor the roll that IS your right because it IS your loot. sure looks bad and isnt the right thing to do.

    Good post Hefty (except for that weird seque into the scented candle bit).

    Good to know that you think it was handled poorly... Thanks for the clarifications.

    The op however has a valid arguement, but posting it here will do nothing to change it, what it will do is make more guilds/channel groups go into quests with the idea that rather chance drama like this that they will either take the tomes and not let people roll or just pass them to a friend/guildie without a roll.
    Oh, I don't know... This thread may serve a purpose... It's okay if more guilds/channel groups just take/pass the tomes and not let people roll... No one here ever said they shouldn't do that...

    But maybe this thread will keep people from putting something up for a roll and then changing their mind afterwards (even THAT, although crappy, is still okay in my mind - I'd be sad, but not mad, if someone said, "Oh, I didn't realize my guildy needs this - sorry guys)...

    The main thing is not to LIE... Sure it's just a game, but there's really no excuse to make someone believe it was accident, and hopefully will be corrected (if they wait around long enough), instead of just telling them "You ain't getting it".
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

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