I wasn’t going to post anything or make a big deal about what happened to me on a recent ToD run… but there’s been another forum post with untrue information about the event… and I’ve been getting tells asking me what happened. I’ll post the facts here (with names and guilds removed) and you can decide if it was an honest mistake or if I got screwed.
* I join a ToD group LFM that is looking for a healer (I’m a heal-spec FvS). Everyone is in the same guild except me and a couple others.
* We complete the raid and a +4 CHA tome drops for a Ranger in the group. He decides to put it up for roll.
* I get the high roll with an 85 but for some reason the tome gets assigned to a Sorc in the group.
* I speak up and let the group know that I didn’t get the tome. The Ranger says he made a mistake and gave the tome to the wrong person.
* We ask the Sorc to assign the tome to me (in group chat and in tells). The Sorc does not respond. He is standing next to the chest and not responding to tells or chat.
* Ranger says he sent tells and the guy must be AFK. He says I should wait till he gets back.
* People start leaving group after getting end rewards and it’s just me and the Sorc standing next to the chest.
* A few minutes after the last person leaves the group (only the two of us in group now) the Sorc loots the +4 CHA tome and recalls.
* I send tells to Sorc… saying that was ‘uncool’ and ‘W T F’.
* Sorc responds with “Is there a problem. I was AFK because I had to drive a family member somewhere”.
First off, I don’t know any Sorc that would go AFK for a roll on a +4 CHA tome. Also, why would he come back and just loot it without saying anything to me standing there or reading his chat? The whole thing seems a bit “fishy” to me. I don’t think the ranger was involved. He felt bad about the incident and even sent me a /tell while on another character offering me a +2 tome (that I didnt take) because he felt bad about what happened.
Everything I listed above is fact. There’s some more information that I considered posting but it’s hearsay and I don’t think that the guild involved would intentionally exclude my roll.
So what do you think… honest mistake or did I get screwed?