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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Looking to roll for a guild.

    Heyo, DDO community. This may be the wrong place to post but I cant post in the guilds section.

    Basically im downloading the game as im typing this, and wondering if any guilds need somebody to roll a character to fulfill a specific place in there raids/pvp. Im not familliar with this game, but I just quit wow, I had been playing for 5 years and was sponsored by a gaming company my last few months, So I can bring competency to the table for raids, ect. I dont care what I roll, I have absolutely no problem rolling any specific class or speccing any type of way.



  2. #2
    Community Member Rendigar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    You seem like a power gamer type. Gratz on leaving the dark side =p Hope you find what you're looking for here. If you're ever on Khyber look me up. Main is Healios. Have fun!

  3. #3
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mattmar42 View Post
    Heyo, DDO community. This may be the wrong place to post but I cant post in the guilds section.

    Basically im downloading the game as im typing this, and wondering if any guilds need somebody to roll a character to fulfill a specific place in there raids/pvp. Im not familliar with this game, but I just quit wow, I had been playing for 5 years and was sponsored by a gaming company my last few months, So I can bring competency to the table for raids, ect. I dont care what I roll, I have absolutely no problem rolling any specific class or speccing any type of way.


    DDO raiding generally does not require this kind of pre-building to fill a specific role; most power gamers have a variety of characters and these characters can usually be pieced together in nearly any combination to do endgame raiding, with their best or favorites being pieced together for doing new (progression) content on the highest difficulties. DDO characters tend to not fill single roles or be limited in the way that character roles in WoW might be (eg, you may do the game's hardest raid with a pure dps tank who uses pure threat and is heal spammed, or with a very high ac tank who does much less damage and takes a while to build threat, or with a taunt tank .. and any of these characters could come from any of 3-5 different classes, and may in fact be capable, through switching equipment and weaponry, of doing the task in 2 or 3 of the above-listed ways (a dps barbarian may also be able to taunt tank with a shield for damage reduction if necessary, and many taunt-tankfighter and paladin builds can swap gear into a very viable dps mode or use threat enhacnements to threat tank depending on what they're grouped with).

    Whole raids can be done with multiclass characters with umd using scrolls to replace dedicated healers, and many raids can be done with a complete absense of one or more traditional roles (no set tank, no cleric, no arcane casters/ranged dps, etc). About the only thing you can't do without is dps, and even then, some raids have been soloed by all-arcane groups just for giggles, or by low-dps but high-survivability melees like all-monk.

    A given power gamer is likely to have multiple characters capable of elite endgame raiding at any time (for example, I have a self-healing tank build, a pure arcane cc/dps character, a moderate defense, high-dps striker with enormous healing ability, and a no-defense, pure dps with self healing and damaging guards (eg, effects that do dps when the character is damaged) striker who happens to have enough health to tank any raid in the game if needed, as my 4 most played characters. Despite one of these being less than a month old, it's already a viable and very effective party member in any raid, and which character I play has a lot more to do with which characters aren't timed out of the raid and what the party needs than anything else .. there's not a set group of characters each one runs with on any given night the way you might see in a WoW raiding guild. Despite not being healers or having any class levels in traditional healer role classes, all these characters are capable of effective self-healing through their build's skills and feats, and use the use magic device skill to be capable of using on others and themselves the exact same healing consumables a cleric would be using, making them all capable of healing a tank in an endgame raid and throwing combat ressurrections if needbe.
    Last edited by Junts; 10-27-2009 at 02:38 AM.

  4. #4
    Founder & Hero
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    Well Clerics and Favored souls are always in demand and groups usually want at least one Bard for a raid, then there are tanks, dps and casters, in short make what you like to play and likely you will find a spot in a raid.

    Beware the Sleepeater

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