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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Halfling 12m/7rog/1wiz "solo" char?

    Completely new to DDO, but experienced with PnP, please be gentle .

    Was chatting with some friends online and we were discussing the viability of a 12 monk / 7 rogue / 1 wizard build, with the wizard splash for extend on the heals for the dragonmarks, thoughts on this build?

    what would be the key points / stats / enhancements to shoot for?

    Any help appreciated in advance.

  2. #2
    Community Member ariel7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spaarhawk View Post
    Completely new to DDO, but experienced with PnP, please be gentle .

    Was chatting with some friends online and we were discussing the viability of a 12 monk / 7 rogue / 1 wizard build, with the wizard splash for extend on the heals for the dragonmarks, thoughts on this build?

    what would be the key points / stats / enhancements to shoot for?

    Any help appreciated in advance.
    while there is no extending a heal (it is cast hps go up it is over) you could tIe maximize or empower to make them hit harder. I would personally advise capping a pure or mostly pure character and watchig others first before rolling such a mix. Pnp is very different from ddo in some ways. Wish you luck!
    Nightbreak - Thelanis.

  3. #3
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spaarhawk View Post
    Completely new to DDO, but experienced with PnP, please be gentle .

    Was chatting with some friends online and we were discussing the viability of a 12 monk / 7 rogue / 1 wizard build, with the wizard splash for extend on the heals for the dragonmarks, thoughts on this build?

    what would be the key points / stats / enhancements to shoot for?

    Any help appreciated in advance.
    Ariel gives good advice as always.

    If you're determined to up your healing, I'd recommend one level of bard, as opposed to wizard. This will allow you to pick up empower healing, which is the only meta magic feat that will boost the Heal spell ( which is what the Greater DM of Healing grants ). It will also boost the healing from your lesser marks.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Also keep in mind that a level 7+ Monk can pretty much do a full self-heal every 3min or so anyways for a mere 10ki (which you should always have in reserve).

    So unless you plan on healing others, or want some in-battle big heals, you might find the dragonmarks aren't needed.
    I'd be much more inclined to build a pure Monk, or an 18 monk / 1 rogue / 1 something else character.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by spaarhawk View Post
    Completely new to DDO, but experienced with PnP, please be gentle .

    Was chatting with some friends online and we were discussing the viability of a 12 monk / 7 rogue / 1 wizard build, with the wizard splash for extend on the heals for the dragonmarks, thoughts on this build?

    what would be the key points / stats / enhancements to shoot for?

    Any help appreciated in advance.
    If completely new to DDO, do not multiclass like this. I dont care how much you know about the D&D system from before, DDO is fundamentally different in many areas.

    As others write, play a pure character until you know more, and when you have more DDO experience and knowledge, you can start experimenting with MC builds.

  6. #6
    Community Member WolfSpirit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragavonBeta View Post
    If completely new to DDO, do not multiclass like this. I dont care how much you know about the D&D system from before, DDO is fundamentally different in many areas.

    As others write, play a pure character until you know more, and when you have more DDO experience and knowledge, you can start experimenting with MC builds.
    Dragavon has it here.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again.
    Never enter into multiclassing without extensive thought and planning on it. Splashing a character for one small reason is hardly ever a good idea. The only Feat I can think of thats worth it would be Evasion, and without the other benifits i wouldn't do it then either (Such as Backstab/Max UMD/Good Skill points from Rogue and 2 Extra Feats for the Monk)

    If we shrank our solar system to the size of a Quarter, and lay it at your feet, the Milky Way galaxy would still be larger than North America. ~NASA Perspective anyone?

  7. #7
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Default echo

    I would like to agree with the posts that state to wait. There are many things that DDO modified from PnP. For instance, DDO does not have Prestige Classes - instead, many of the "classes" are enhancement lines. Also, I have been doing PnP for over 30 years and I ended up rerolling (I am STILL trying to get my Ray spells to do SA!!) or completely trashing concepts as they just did not work for me (Ranger/anything).

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