Quote Originally Posted by sjwalker1973 View Post
Well Tulsa, it's not bitterness and quite frankly I didn't really want to respond to someone's other questions about what happened. Quite frankly I don't usually go into specifics since it's your guild and you can do with it what you see fit. So be it. You just happen to have a guild that's known for being elitist towards others some times and their own members. It was the same way in the old Crimson Hand guild which was the precurser to TFC. I've witnessed it on several occasions and kept quiet about it because I know a lot of people in the guild from pre release and I have no problems with 90% of the members. Personally I should have stayed guildless before accepting your invitation a while back. It would have saved a lot of trouble on my part. I know exactly why I was removed. Your officers had a meeting and decided to boot members out. I wasn't the only one who was booted that time. You have your reasons and quite frankly it's done and over with. I never took any credence to any bad rep that TFC had since 100% of the time I grouped with TFC members, you guys were on the up and up and 100% reliable. But now I can see where some of the rep comes from but again, it's part of the guild structure. Guild membership isn't set in stone and it does purge from time to time. I've left guilds due to the politics and intra guild issues. I was actually thinking of leaving TFC anyway, you simply made the decision for me. Your officers take things way too seriously and need to lighten up. This is after all a game.
This wasn't started to go after TFC, nor was it an attempt to demean any member of TFC. This was started to get people to stop trying to send blind invites into guilds. I have no problem with TFC and never will. It's your guild, you run it as you see fit.

1. Elitist. Since when? Anytime you get a grp of ppl playing for years together they tend to want to do things a certain way. However we take lots of pugs in our raids when we need to and try to treat them with the respect they deserve.

2. Kept quiet about things? You make it sound like there is a dirty secret the Free Companions are a bunch of elitists but you let it slide. IF anyone has a problem with guild then they have ALWAYS been free to comment to me. Sometimes this results in apologies other times justifications and sometimes even expulsions. I always answer the comment to me in game or on forums.

3. Not the only one removed. False. Sure we have expelled other members but at the time of your expulsion you were the only one.

4. Officers kicked me out. False. Sure I hold semi weekly meetings and encourage officers to voice their opinions about the guild membership and sure they vote on things like expulsion but ultimately I take complete responsibility for things. SO look to me not them when placing blame. I kicked you out.

5. Rep deserved. For someone who wishes TFC no ill will you sure do pack a mean right hook. Our rep is our rep, we have been around for over 2 and a half years almost since launch and we have had our highs and lows. Still I dont feel like members have anything to be ashamed of or worry repwise. They prove that day in and out.

6. Officers taking it seriously. Officers in TFC serve as Raid leaders and ppl who watch out for other guildies. Thats it. Other than loving loot a little too much they arent that serious about it. You make it seem like there is this cabal of officers out to mete out fictitious justice on the general membership. Im sorry we failed you so that this would be the image.

7. Demeaning TFC. Offcolor remarks and insinuations about elitist attitudes dont paint a pretty picture so please dont tell me you have no ill will. Get over it.

I dont know why this post was necessary. All you had to do was create a guild of your own and be done with it. I have to agree with some of the previous posters that this was just a call out for attention. Yes we expelled you and its never easy or fun. Operationally it goes against the idea of both the guild and game. Im sorry if I didnt explain why to you in clearer terms and feel free to pm ingame should you have any lingering doubts about why. For whatever reasons that I wont disclose here, we (meaning the officers, myself and the guild we represent) made a choice and chances are we will do so again. What I wont tolerate is someone accusing me and mine of elitist (ie bad) attitudes. Yes I invited you to guild, I thought you would work out, you didnt. It wont be the first or last time Im wrong but Ill keep trying. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

