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  1. #1
    Community Member wbrando's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default TurbineNetworkServices and TurbineMessageServices

    What do TurbineNetworkService.exe and TurbineMessageService.exe do? Why do they run so much? I have noticed that multiple instances of the MessageService runalmost all the time. The NetworkService seems to limit the number of instances but it too runs more often than I think it should.

    When I stop these programs, I notice an improvement in response in the system. The 'services' do not stay stopped. As they are part of the Download Manager and the download manger does not need to run except for occasionally to update, these programs do not need to run continuously.

    I have 3 different systems that I run DDO on there different systems ranging from an Athlon X2 64 with 3G to a Core7 with 8G. All of the systems exhibit the same symptoms.

    I do *not* want these programs running without knowing what their purpose is. I do not want to let these programs to run unless they are needed for a good purpose. The purpose should be for my benefit, not Turbine's.

    Is there a way to stop these 'services' from running except when needed? Are they being used in a peer to peer networking mode?
    Sarlona: Sarapa Hu 18/2 Rog/Ftr, Saraka Hu 18/1/1 Rng/Ftr/Rog, Sarada HElf 14/2/1 WC Brd/Rog/Ftr, Pakse Hu 20 Pal, Sarama 16/2/2 Hu Virt Brd/Ftr/Rog, Sarafa Wf WC Bard/Rogue 16/2/2 Brd/Ftr/Rog, Katsda Dwf 12/8 Rng/Ftr, Pako Hu 12/6/2 Ftr/Rng/Rog
    Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. All things in excess!

  2. #2
    Community Member wbrando's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Please answer
    Sarlona: Sarapa Hu 18/2 Rog/Ftr, Saraka Hu 18/1/1 Rng/Ftr/Rog, Sarada HElf 14/2/1 WC Brd/Rog/Ftr, Pakse Hu 20 Pal, Sarama 16/2/2 Hu Virt Brd/Ftr/Rog, Sarafa Wf WC Bard/Rogue 16/2/2 Brd/Ftr/Rog, Katsda Dwf 12/8 Rng/Ftr, Pako Hu 12/6/2 Ftr/Rng/Rog
    Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. All things in excess!

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