Recently sucked into this game by friends and was having no problems playing in Korath Village while Turbine slowly downloaded.
After getting 1 PC to Lvl 3 and starting another I started to get display problems.
When logging onto Thelanis server and entering Korath the onscreen display would show everything from floating tress, rocks walking on water, all the game elements.
I tell you this made travelling anywhere a "real" adventure. I thought this problem would fix when I had the full download but no it still exists but only in Korath Village. The PC that I got to Seareach is fine no display problems at all.
I am running a Intel Pent D 3.0Ghz Dual. 2 Gb of Ram, ATI chipset and a Nvidia 7600GTS card.
I am hoping I don't have to do a reinstall.
Any help would be great.
Note it now seems to be happening at stormreach.