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I don't agree. I think that the air elementals should be replaced with other monsters (earth and fire elementals would probably be the best pick but maybe it's possible to come up with something that makes more sense) or at least be mixed in with other mobs (this latter option only if air elementals are changed to be less annoying).
I realize that you're attempting to change the fight so that additional melee characters do contribute to the party rather than being abler to stand back and watch (or simply go afk) but I think that allowing melee characters to deal with adds without needing to have the right charge will help make the fight less monotonous. To be honest, what makes DDO fun is fast paced combat. Standing still and holding my mouse's right button does not really fit in that category. It is rather boring, actually.
The intention with the air eles is that they are quickly slain and provide a minor nuisance, plus a chance to have an 'oh **** I'm being chased by two dragons and a quartet of air elementals' moment, but that they aren't the centre of the raid. On Elite, a top-notch player can solo all 20-25 of them; by not ramping them up at all, they remain an obstacle but not a true threat. In this sense I see them being like the traps in Elite Vision of Destruction (assuming no trapsmith in party) - dangerous, but gone quickly enough and not the most important part of the raid. That said, it does make me think - adding trap boxes that an absolutely top-notch trapsmith could disable (think pre-nerf Cabal Elite trap) and thus prevent elementals spwaning is something I could get right behind.
As for adding different mobs - well, I do... Three of them...
I like the overall concept but I think it could use a few tweaks:
1. Madstone Rod has no charge or is an eternal wand. I don't see the point of depleting it, really.
2. Having any charge prevents you from using the Madstone Rod
3. Since players are more likely to die for a small mistake, give them the ability to fly more often. Making a player wait until his group finishes the quest is not really fun. It's not something that should be encouraged. If the fight becomes pretty tough, you won't want to have someone going up there too often anyway.
4. The Reaver can only grant Fly to one player at a time.
Really, really good ideas all around.
My initial intention was that groups would call it a wipe if 2-3 players died early, but now that you mention it the 'lockout until completion' mechanic isn't so great.
I'd change it so a 90 second duration Fly (no longer 2 minutes) becomes available once the 6th orb is lit, but the completion lever is blocked by a hemisphere of force until the third dragon is slain. That way, players can be raised - dying has severe consequences, but you are only out for a third of the raid, not 90% of it.
As for the Madstone Rod changes, they are great ideas.
I am worried about the technical and aesthetic issues to such a huge attack rate increase. I understand where you're coming from but I think it would be better to think of something else that would be less likely to cause problems. I would suggest a strength bonus as it is not as biased toward TWF than a straight bonus to damage would be.
S&B and ranged get left behind but it's S&B and ranged so that is to be expected.
I'd be hesitant to go with (say) +20 Str as that makes little sense in the context of the Reaver turning this chamber into a conduit to the Syriana, the Plane of Air, also it raises +To-Hit ratings through the roof.
That said, a blanket +50% melee damage and +125% ranged damage (for instance) could be done I suppose - I'm no animations expert so I have no idea what complications my initial suggestion would have.
Wow, that's a pretty intense 23 minutes in one small room! Don't you think that's a little too much all at once?
Don't get me wrong, I always thought that the dragons should have been part of the raid but I don't like this approach.
IMO Epic should be intense, chaotic, crazy, and reward players that can quickly adapt to changing circumstances.