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Thread: Loot

  1. #21
    Community Member thomprob's Avatar
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    Would you like some cheese with that whine souless?

    Lurk lurk lurk lurk...



  2. #22
    Community Member Jesen's Avatar
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    Your doing it wrong.
    Everyone knows you need to diplomacy all chests before opening them for better loot. Make sure the person doing it has a high diplomacy otherwise you will pull tons of loot with deception on it.

  3. #23
    Community Member Tabun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Souless View Post
    I have been playing the game since it first went live 3 years ago. I have been looting chests eversince.

    I'm not sure if I can put what I'm feeling into words, but I'm going to attempt because most of the players of this game don't post, or post only rarely. That is one of the problems: The Dev's don't play the game (or at least they don't seem to) ie; when I asked the on-line assistance about a disappearing Min 2 rapier (I'm still ****ed about that btw) the help GM asked me if I traded it to another toon?!?!?! Anyway, this isn't the place to bring up old bytches, but rather I'm attepting to tell you dev's and players that read these forums that there are serious problems with the loot in-game.

    The continuos NERF-ing of so called "overpowered" weapons has turned nearly ALL random loot into JUNK!!!!

    I seriously think new loot tables need to be applied here. I think that about 95-99% of random loot that I pull is Vendor trash!! Look guys I have 11 toons all nearly capped with plat....I CAN'T SELL ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!! We need new loot!!! But don't think I've come to this Bytch-fest without ideas....

    1. Bring back w/p. That right I said it!!! Bring it back asap!!!! Bring back w/e, energy drain that sticks, and several other stat effects that now auto restore themselves. The Nerf-ing of this weapon set = failure

    2. Make new random loot!! Superier construct bane (have the weapon do an extra d6 damage and add an addittion +2 to hit and damage) Its not like we miss portals anyway. Greater disruption/smiting/vorpal/paralizing (by increasing the dc of the weapon or vorpal on a 19 or 20)....and Greater stat damage ie. have the weapon drain 2 stat points for each hit! And these are just some sugestions for weapons. Make clickies higher level (and I know that this is being done already to a small extent) but make these clickies available in the random loot generator. I would be estactic to pull a level 10-16, 5/rest haste clicky!!! Heal clickies??? maybe a 3/rest deathward clicky....I mean how tuff can it be to come up with some new stuff guys???? maybe a true rez clicky...oops I forgot...that was another "overpowered" gotta be kidding me!!!

    I guess what I'm trying to say at least to some degree is you guys are destroying the game by limiting the choices in the game....It is most obvious in the weapon sets...right now its green steel or vorpal...everything else is junk. There is no need to loot (dungeon craw) because the best weapons/clickies in the game can ONLY be crafted!!!

    Ok I'm done for now.....either listen to this Bytch, or don't.....But I forsee doom because I'm getting bored.....and after 800 shroud completions you can see that I don't get bored easily....

    The Bytcher~

    shroud with me Ill keep you interested !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #24
    Community Member HeavenlyCloud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tabun View Post
    shroud with me Ill keep you interested !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You failed to deliver.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordelia View Post
    How does every thread on the Argo forums become about Blah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    My question is how are there threads on other servers and in general forums not about Blah?

  5. #25
    Community Member Thailand_Dan's Avatar
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    Especially for clickies. They up the duration for superior inferno, etc, and that was a start, but why haven't they upped other clickies that we actually use? Even having new clickies drop with a whole 1 minute haste, instead of 30 seconds, would be huge. You can get expeditious retreat 1 minute clickies in Korthos as guaranteed loot. Why not give a 10 minute one in high level dungeons. A shield clickie lasting 5 - 10 minutes! How about a GH clickie with a lower min level than the Planar Gird?

    And make them random location drops. Make them super rare, sure! But, give us a reason to hit chests everywhere for the chance at it, instead of grinding the same quests for a muckbane, silver bow, planar gird, scourge choker, Docent of Defiance, etc.

  6. #26
    Hero Nahual's Avatar
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    Default Yes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonny_D View Post
    Nice post. I agree

    What do you think about this idea:

    Implimenting a deconstruction/crafting method that takes the + rating of an item that when deconstructed gives you "ingot" tokens that is randomly generated from the weapon you put in it for example a +11 rated "+2 vorpal bastard sword of enfeebling rr halfling" would give you (11-5 parts of the item lost in deconstruction +2 for the "+" rating of the object) 8 ingots of one of the following type: vorpal; enfeebling or rr halfling. Or a +7 rated +3 Holyburst Adamantine Maul of Deception would give a chance at (7-3+3=7) 7ingots of either Holyburst, Adamantine; or Deception. I would further add an option of taking 100 of a type ingot and trade them for 10 of another (100 vertigo for 10 pure good ect).

    I would then make it cost 1000 ingots for prefixes and 500 for metalic and 500 for suffix plus a blank +3-5 version of the weapon type desired to get a +1 version of what you want. IE 1000 holy ingots = +1 holy weapon; or 2000 vorpal ingots + 1000 cold iron + 1000 good ingots gives a +2 vorpal cold iron weapon of pure good
    and the ingots would be tradeable
    Or get a masterwork weapon! It would also make you run the low level stuff!

    /grins evily

    Lets kick some axe!
    Kasik ~Rogue~ Fui ~ Barb ~ Emmeryl ~ Clr ~ Hilcias ~ Sorc ~
    Cool kids play on Mabar!

  7. #27
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    If you made useful items it wouldn't necessarily depreciate the value of everything else.

    All there needs to be for some fun is items where it is hard to decide what to wear.
    They are a limited number of item slots and yet everyone wears exactly the same gear...because everything else is downright stupid.

    When you look at your toon, how many items are you wearing that is not raid or named loot ?

    You either have the required gear everyone has, or you are gimp....nice choice.

    °Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour

  8. #28
    Community Member Gum's Avatar
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    Diploz all chestz!
    **As the Great Emu is one with the hill, so am I with the Great Emu.**

  9. #29
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    And did you see that kick arse mage cloak compared to the rediculous docent the wf were offered! I want the phoenix graphic as a docent option implemented immediately!

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