Would you like some cheese with that whine souless?
Lurk lurk lurk lurk...
Would you like some cheese with that whine souless?
Lurk lurk lurk lurk...
Your doing it wrong.
Everyone knows you need to diplomacy all chests before opening them for better loot. Make sure the person doing it has a high diplomacy otherwise you will pull tons of loot with deception on it.
Especially for clickies. They up the duration for superior inferno, etc, and that was a start, but why haven't they upped other clickies that we actually use? Even having new clickies drop with a whole 1 minute haste, instead of 30 seconds, would be huge. You can get expeditious retreat 1 minute clickies in Korthos as guaranteed loot. Why not give a 10 minute one in high level dungeons. A shield clickie lasting 5 - 10 minutes! How about a GH clickie with a lower min level than the Planar Gird?
And make them random location drops. Make them super rare, sure! But, give us a reason to hit chests everywhere for the chance at it, instead of grinding the same quests for a muckbane, silver bow, planar gird, scourge choker, Docent of Defiance, etc.
If you made useful items it wouldn't necessarily depreciate the value of everything else.
All there needs to be for some fun is items where it is hard to decide what to wear.
They are a limited number of item slots and yet everyone wears exactly the same gear...because everything else is downright stupid.
When you look at your toon, how many items are you wearing that is not raid or named loot ?
You either have the required gear everyone has, or you are gimp....nice choice.
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
Diploz all chestz!
And did you see that kick arse mage cloak compared to the rediculous docent the wf were offered!I want the phoenix graphic as a docent option implemented immediately!