Where is the loyalty? Rant on - I have been playing this game for a couple of years and have been a member of only 2 guilds and I find the loyalty of guild members lacking. Not just among the guilds that I am in but also in other guilds that people have told me the same thing seems to happen. It seems that only a couple of people like to lead quests in each guild and then others complain and whine when there is nothing going on. Then the moochers who complain decide to leave and join other guilds because they think the grass is greener on the other side and then they do the same **** in their new guild and constantly ask questions like this in guild chat: "What's going on? Anyone running anything? I need to do the following quests . . .. yada yada yada. Maybe I'm just fed up with constantly helping others and when things get rough b/c only a couple of us are leading quests, they decide to leave and join other guilds that "appear" more active. If u feel that nothing is going on, be a man and lead your own quest. At first I used to look down upon guilds that only accept you as a member if you put all of your toons in their guild, but I understand why now - guild members are more considerate and loyal to each other. It's insulting playing with people for a couple of years and when things get slow they spread their toons out to various guilds, never establishing a solid base in one guild and mooching off everyone with no ties to any guild. Maybe I'm taking things too personal, just tired of babysitting everyone and no one else doing anything in return for the growth of the guild. Anyone else facing this issue? - Rant off