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Looking at things on the builder, I kind of like the paladin splash idea myself for my next char, namely for surviveability, and he may offer a little more to group as well when he is grouped. While you do give up some DPS admittedly, I found on my fighter/ranger (lower level admittedly, only 8) that I get smacked with a lot of spells like holds, etc. Looking at 6 paladin I'm seeing the following...
.....Immune to Fear / Disease (+3 fear saves to party members)
.....+CHA bonus to all saves (adds up nicely later with +6 items on)
.....+2 (3?) AC to paladin AND party members.
.....+3 concentration bonus to pally / party members (yeah, not much of a big thing for the char himself, but helps group)
.....+1 (2?) to all saves for pally and party members (i love this one)
.....Divine Sacrifice I - +5d6 damage and increases crit multiplier by 1. Nice bit of fun there =)
.....Exalted Smite I - again, just a nice little burst bonus.
.....Smite evil - same
.....Lay Hands - Weak healing as you said, but its instant and dont have to swap to a wand to use them. =) Very .....handy oh **** buttons.
.....Remove Disease - more helpful to others in group, but handy nonetheless.
.....KoTC I = yet more fear resist for group, + hit and +1d6 damage vs Outsiders, +2 all saves vs them (kind of like an improved favored enemy vs outsiders)
.....Divine Might (+2 damage clicky) - not a lot but its sacred.
.....Divine Light I - if you want to spend the point, 6d6 aoe light damage vs undead.
.....Unyielding Sovereignty - Clicky Heal ALL damage / remove all effects from ally. This does not work on self, but is incredibly helpful as an oh **** button for the party.
.....For spells they get the basic cleric bevy, with Divine Favor coming to mind for extra hit/damage.
Ranger gives
.....TWF / ITWF - not much to say here. Saves 2 feat slots, gotta love that.
.....Tempest I - +10% melee haste, +2 AC to self when dual wielding. Similar or 1 pt lower than pally aura, but self only.
.....Granted Ranged skills - just putting it in here, can come in handy at times i guess =P
.....Favored enemy X2 - again, more damage vs 2 chosen types (and enhancements to add +2 more damage/hit/defense vs. them).
.....Dexterity Enhancement - This can be nice if Dex starved or taking armor feats for a high dex build.
.....Ram's Might spell - +2 str buff. Handy
From what I'm seeing its the same basic argument we alway encounter, more dps, or more surviveability / adaptability. The ftr/rngr is a dps beast but very focused on just that, while the ftr/pally is more surviveable and offers bonuses (defensive) to the party if grouped. I love the idea of both and think both will be very strong myself. Now I just need to decide if im going to make my monk/pally/ftr a dorf(insane saves), human(yay more feats and adapt), or drow(more of a finesse build and resists) =)