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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default VIP Purchase questions

    Sorry if this is a re-post. I did some looking around, but didn't find the answer. Also apologize if this is the wrong section to ask this. So...

    If I purchase the VIP pack, that will unlock the locked races, classes, and content, as well as raise my toon/server limit.
    Now if I do not renew the VIP, will I still have access to this otherwise locked content, races, classes?
    Dose it only stay unlocked if I have used it? (i.e. If I create a Warforge or Monk then do I get to continue to play them?)
    Can I create the races, classes after the VIP expires?
    Can I visit the content areas if I've visited them prior to them expiring?
    Can I visit if I didn't go to those areas?
    How dose this effect my toon/server? (this is mostly pointless as I don't intend on more than 1 or 2 toons just thought I'd ask)
    Also dose this raise the level caps?

    Keep in mind I have bought nothing from the store as of yet!

  2. #2
    Customer Service Representative Victorie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Please see this post for answers to many of your questions, and links for answers to others. If your questions aren't answered in those links then please feel free to post a response here.
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