Sorry if this is a re-post. I did some looking around, but didn't find the answer. Also apologize if this is the wrong section to ask this. So...
If I purchase the VIP pack, that will unlock the locked races, classes, and content, as well as raise my toon/server limit.
Now if I do not renew the VIP, will I still have access to this otherwise locked content, races, classes?
Dose it only stay unlocked if I have used it? (i.e. If I create a Warforge or Monk then do I get to continue to play them?)
Can I create the races, classes after the VIP expires?
Can I visit the content areas if I've visited them prior to them expiring?
Can I visit if I didn't go to those areas?
How dose this effect my toon/server? (this is mostly pointless as I don't intend on more than 1 or 2 toons just thought I'd ask)
Also dose this raise the level caps?
Keep in mind I have bought nothing from the store as of yet!