Hello all, with the mod being focused on the dreaming dark and encountering psionics on a more regular basis (psionics bonus to skills via the degenev illusion show) I took the time to write up how I believe the soulknife class should be added to this game.
Soulknife: Hit dice d8
BAB/Fort/Ref/Will saves / Other
1. 1/0/2/2 Weapon focus: Mindblade, Wild talent
2. 2/0/3/3 Throwing blade
3. 3/1/3/3 Psychic strike 2/day 1d8
4. 4/1/4/4 Quickdraw, Shape Mindblade
5. 5/1/4/4
6. 6/2/5/5 Speed of thought
7. 7/2/5/5 Psychic strike 3/day 2d8
8. 8/2/6/6
9. 9/3/6/6 Bladewind, Greater weapon focus: Mindblade
10. 10/3/7/7 Metal 1
11. 11/3/7/7 Psychic strike 4/day 3d8
12. 12/4/8/8
13. 13/4/8/8 Knife to the soul
14. 14/4/9/9
15. 15/5/9/9 Psychic strike 5/day 4d8
16. 16/5/10/10 Metal 2
17. 17/5/10/10 Multiple throw
18. 18/6/11/11
19. 19/6/11/11 Psychic strike 6/day 5d8
20. 20/6/12/12 Increased base blade damage.
How the mindblade would work: Utilizing the area where casting classes such as the wizard select there spells the soulknife can change his blade here at a shrine, He can select any combination of enhancement bonus (1-5) and special prefix and suffix abilities (such as pure good and holy) that add up to his level. (keeping the weapons appropriate for his level is important for game balance) A Soulknife cannot take conflicting alignments (Anarchic of true law) or take conflicting elements (Fire and ice) and cannot take stat damage, bane or psionic enhancements without spending a feat on it, and cannot take transmuting or metalline. At level 10 and 16 the Soulknife can add different metal types to his blade (such as silver and adamantine, if this needs balancing you can have it cost a feat or some other restrictions, such as paying the soulknife trainer to be able to switch the metal type.)
At level 1 the Soulknife gains a feat that allows him to call this weapon into existance, it is by default a shortsword and you can change it to any weapon you are proficient with at 4th level, you can change the base weapon at any shrine as long as you are proficient with the weapon, to take an exotic weapon you have to take both the normal exotic proficiency and a psionic proficiency to be able to make an exotic blade. The Two weapon fighting line of feats will affect the blade in that you can choose to create 2 of them at a hit to the highest level enhancements you can put on them, main hand weapons can only get up to min level 18 and off hand weapons can only get to min level 16 instead of min level 20.
WIld talent grants the Soulknife 2 power points and access to any psionic feats.
Throwing blade allows the soulknife to be able to customize and summon a seperate throwing weapon blade for 1 power point.
Psychic strike: adds your wisdom bonus to hit and damage on the attack and deals an additional xd8 damage. If this ability fells a living creature the Soulknife gains xd8 temporary hitpoints for 1 minute per x. (according to level x can be 1-5 + feats) Think of a paladin's smite ability. Also this strike doesn't need to be mindblade exclusive.
Speed of thought grants a 15% speed increase
Bladewind grants the Soulknife the ability to make a cleave attack without a pause after using, actually making this a net gain in dps on a 10 second cooldown, this can fill the place of cleave when counting for prerequisites on feats or enhancements.
Knife to the soul reduces any enemy casters casting stat by 1d2 damage per xd8 of psychic strike when using a psychic strike.
Multiple Throw is basically a manyshot with a thrown weapon and can be added to the game as a regular feat, costs 1 power point to start.
The increased blade damage increases the soulknifes weapons damage to resemble a greensteel item.
Other notes:
Feats: Name/prereqs/effect
Psionic exotic weapon/Exotic weapon proficiency/Allows the user to shape a mindblade into the exotic weapon of choice.
Bane of X (where X is a general type of enemy to allow multiple banes to be chosen, examples would be outsider bane [evil, lawful, chaotic], humanoid bane [includes monstrous humanoids])/Level 12 Soulknife/Grants ability to add bane properties and stat damage to your blade.
Psionic weapon enhancements/Soulknife level 8/Grants acces to the Collision, paralysis, (great) Dislocation, mindfeeder, psychic, psychokinetic (burst), and soulbreaker enhancements. (see below)
Mind Cleave/Cleave (or bladewind) and psychic strike 1d8/ If you fell a foe with a psychic strike you gain the use of that strike back.
Mind empowerment/Mind cleave/ If you fell a foe with psychic strike your next use of psychic strike the damage dice are doubled.
Focused Mindstrike/psychic strike 1d8/Increases psychic strikes damage by 1d8, can be taken multiple times and is counted as a fighter feat.
Imp critical: Mindblade/(as the other improved critical feats)
Psionic weapon enhancements: (Name/prefix or suffix/effect)
Collision/prefix/deals 5 extra damage on a successful hit.
Paralysis/suffix/on a critical hit dc 27 will save or be paralyzed as if hit with a paralyzing weapon.
(great) Dislocation/suffix/on hit prevent enemies from teleporting for 1 minute.
Mind feeding/Suffix/(like body feeder) On a critical hit the user gains temporary power points that dissipate in 1 minute or until used.
Psychic (can be adapted to an arcane version as well)/prefix/Depending on your current percentage of power points remaining (or spell points) you gain more to hit and damage, up to +5 to hit and +10 damage when out of power. (mana)
Psychokinetic (burst)/prefix(suffix)/On a successful (critical) hit you deal 1d4 points of extra damage. (1d6 for x2, 2d6 for x3 etc)
Soulbreaking/suffix/On a successful critical hit there is a 50% chance to afflict the target with 1 negative level.