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I was frustrated to the point of almost deleting ddo this afternoon, so please understand that while this is probably going to come across as a bit of a rant, thats only because of my frustration. My goal is a serious suggestion/point, not to just let of steam. Anyways, the whole thing with puzzles that require a party has got to go. I understand its a party focused game, and I understand that finding a party isn't that hard. I party with most of my toons. But I've got one toon I'm trying to only solo with. Why? Because I like the challange and find it interesting. But until you run a solo only toon, it doesn't really register how much stuff there is that you just can't do, which is really frustrating.
My specific issue today was Tomb of the Shadow King. A level above the toon in question, a good tough fight for a solo, even on normal. Just what I was looking for. After a long battle, and having to duck out of the quest once to pick up another healing wand from my bank, I make it all the way through to the end... And find a pair of levers that you have to have a second party member to trigger. *beep* Annoying as all get out, particularly coming at the end of the quest, rather then at the begining, when, you know, I could have actually remembered it took two and had the benefit of another player all the way through. But hey, at least it only takes two, I can do it with a hireling, right? I get pounded til I manage to find a safe corner to recall, leave the adventure a second time (more xp penalty, sigh), run franticly through three maps to a hireling vendor, then franticly back to get there before the instance has reset. Every monster and its brother had respawned in the meantime, so I fight my way back through roughly a third of the creatures I had already killed (at least its not a linear so I didn't have to fight everyting), get back to the last room, get up the ladder, pull one lever while the hireling pulls the other... guess what, it takes three. Because there is no way to get the mummy to stand where he'll get caught in the light without a third person down there as bait. Otherwise he just follows to the base of the ladder you go up and stands there.
The whole mess costs me several times the loot I found, multiple deaths and several hours. I can live with that. Its the price of soloing, particularly above your level. Bit onlly if I could just finish the **** adventure! Moreover, its a paid module with 5 adventures. Two of them I now can't play with the character I bought it for since Tomb of the Shadow Lord also requires a party and as I said, I'm sticking to solo with that character. And the since the final adventure requires you complete all of the other four, I can't do it either, so over half the pack I paid for is now useless. I'm half-tempted to ask for my money back (but only half, since I will surely run it with alts in a party, and get my money's worth. Its still frustrating though.)
As I said earlier, I understand that its a party focused game, and I have no issue with that. But there are already huge benefits to partying - no one character can master all abilities and the buffs, healing, trapfinding, or dps of your allies is a great advantage. And even for the best character, many adventures are extremely tough to solo. There is already every reason in the world to party. So I don't see why there is a need to force players to party with in-adventure puzzles on top of everything else. It provides no useful benefit, and it provides a major negative for players like myself who happen to enjoy soloing sometimes.
So please, please, please, fix the adventures so they don't require a group (ideal would be that they recognize that only a single player is in them and adjust, but given the way instances and groups interact, I can understand that that wouldn't be workable). Or at the very least, don't add anymore as you continue to work on new items in the game.