On Oct 9, the first day of the big sale, I made a transaction for several modules - over 5000 points worth. When I hit submit, I got an error. My points were deducted from my account, but I got no modules unlocked, no conformation on screen, and no conformation email. I put a ticket in the next day. but have gotten no response. Its been two weeks, and I cant get into quest chains that I've paid for. I don't know if I should just eat the $50, and rebuy or what. This is ridiculous - especially not being able to contact anyone from turbine. I have half a mind to have by CC company reverse the charge, but then I'd probably get booted from DDO. $50 is ENTIRELY too much to just eat..

You would think that a customer paying for something, and not getting the product would be a high priority, but evidently not.