I sold off a pile of stuffeven my Muckbane because I really need, okay want, an extra invy bag on two of my toons... Every time I search the AH (3x daily min) the lowest I've seen is 40K Plat each... I have managed to scrape together 20K Plat, and have seen/ heard them go for 10K Plat each so yeah, does anyone have 2 of these?
If so, I'd like to pay 20K plat (pretty much all I have) to buy them
- PM your Thelanis Toon Name so I can add it when I get home from work so we can exact the transaction.
But if you really wanna keep this Pollack in suspense... respond here to let me know this is a go, and I'll be literally... no ACTUALLY antsy all day to blow my life savings the minute I log on (well if I'm lucky enough to be on the same time the seller is)