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  1. #1
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    Default Feat help 12/6/2 Fighter/Ranger/Monk

    I was going 18/2 Fighter/Monk on a toon I am leveling, but have recently decided that I may go 12/6/2 Fighter/Ranger/Monk. I am currently sitting at 10/2 Fighter/Monk and need some tips on how to handle upcoming feats.

    My understanding is that if you don't drop your TWF feats, you will lose them when you pick up your Ranger levels. That being said, my plan was to drop TWF (which will drop all the TWF feats I have---I think) just before I go 2 Ranger. Then I would use my "free feat exchanges" to replace them (with the exception of TWF...which would be free from Ranger).

    Then I would do the same thing before level 6 Ranger, for ITWF.

    Can somebody tell me if this works and if I am correct in how to do this?
    Last edited by Seamonkeysix; 10-22-2009 at 11:39 PM.
    “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”

  2. #2
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    If you want to drop any Feats that have prereqs, you cannot drop the prereq Feat first.

    With your example, you must drop GTWF, then ITWF and then TWF (or ITWF then TWF if you only have those two). TWF will simply not show up in the list of Feats that can be swapped out.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    If you want to drop any Feats that have prereqs, you cannot drop the prereq Feat first.

    With your example, you must drop GTWF, then ITWF and then TWF (or ITWF then TWF if you only have those two). TWF will simply not show up in the list of Feats that can be swapped out.
    This is gonna suck, then....problem is that by the time I start picking up Ranger levels, I will have TWF, ITWF, TWD, and OTWF. So I need to drop everything, so I can get down to TWF? Then I actually need to drop TWF, right? Because I will be getting it for free. Then I will have to respec to pick ITWF, TWD and OTWF again? What a mess!
    “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”

  4. #4
    Community Member AZ1JoeT's Avatar
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    I thought if you had already taken a feat by choice... and then you get it for free as part of a class.. they let you pick a new one when you would normally get the free one.

    For example, if I began life as a rogue, and took TWF at first level, but decided to dual class and took two ranger levels later on, I would get to choose a "new" feat at "ranger level two" when I would normally get TWF for free.

    I may be wrong, though.

  5. #5
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    I have read that you have to spec out of the TWF stuff or you will lose those feats. Basically it will double up on them and there is no way to get them back. I wish a dev could weigh in on this to let me know how this game mechanic works. I will be way into leveling (levels 15 and 20) and would hate to find out then that there is a specific way to do this that I did not realize.
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  6. #6
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seamonkeysix View Post
    This is gonna suck, then....problem is that by the time I start picking up Ranger levels, I will have TWF, ITWF, TWD, and OTWF. So I need to drop everything, so I can get down to TWF? Then I actually need to drop TWF, right? Because I will be getting it for free. Then I will have to respec to pick ITWF, TWD and OTWF again? What a mess!
    This is all correct. It's not really a good idea to make significant changes to a build on the fly. You would probably be better off sticking with your original plan of going 18 fighter, and rolling a new toon planned to take those ranger levels from the start.

    You can do this all by feat swapping but it will take a long time, and I would not advise continually taking the next TWF feat only to drop it right before the appropriate ranger level. That would make things into a big hassle. Feats aren't intended to be swapped around so easily, unlike enhancements.

    If you're still set on this, wait for reincarnation to be implemented. It will be easier to do via lesser reincarn than through Fred.
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