There are public raids I joined two today the reaver and the shroud I didnt know anyone there, there as a guildie there but I had never ran with him before as far as I know went really smooth and we even had a couple of newbies in both raids people were very helpful to the new people, so maybe your just playing on the wrong server or meeting the wrong people, I suggest trying Ghallanda or Khyber if you do I am willing to help you as much as I can.
Beware the Sleepeater
I find I see public raids more often on DDO than other MMOs; they're uncommon enough in any case that having a character not in the right level range or of a preferred build means likely never getting to do the raid with that character, however (at least in the case of those raids with components that can't be soloed or duoed). Just try setting up a LFM for VON5 Normal (slow, trying to learn quest) with a level 16 ranger and see how quickly it fills :P
I don't think Turbine should lead the raids themselves; they don't need to open themselves up to the kind of "feedback" they'd get if everyone wasn't 100% satisfied. Still, a simple "suggested time & date" for getting a raid together when advertising a promotion on that raid's adventure pack could help get the ball rolling for reluctant leaders.
Completely untrue. Even though I'm in a Well equipped Guild that Raids on a regular basis I still run at least half my Raids in Pugs. Heck, even our Guild Raids end up open to the public if we don't have enough player to fill, and I've never been a part of a DWAT Raid that didn't accept virgins. We not only accept them but are willing to teach them what to do. This all happens on Xoriat (errr, Thelanis, yeah. That's the ticket). If you can't find what you want/need on the Server you're on switch servers. If you're on Cannith and won't switch you'll just have to wait until the server matures enough to have a constantly Raiding population.
Yes, I'm double posting this quote...Want to address the bolded portion. It should be the players who are setting up and running content. No, I don't mean devs should never play the game. However, they shouldn't be playing as Devs. It should be in their off time as PLAYERS. It should never be a Turbine employee acting in their capacity as a Turbine employee running/setting up Raids and quest for the player base.
Take some time...Track back through our Dev tracker. See how much *&#@! they catch for everything they do, especially if someone feels they've been slacking off from their "Job" as a dev. Now imagine how many problems would result from a Turbine Employee having a Raid go south. It isn't pretty, it isn't fun and it isn't their job.
For the most part I don't care who runs your Raids. I care about Turbine running Raids, period. I care about them diverting the resources required to run these Raids away from Developing the game. You say just stick an intern in and let em go! Wooo hoo! Free labor right? No such thing. Every employee (Intern or not) diverted from producing the game cost them money. And did you think about the number of Interns they'd have to stick on this? 6 Servers x 8 Raids (please correct me if I missed one) x 3 times a day (minimum...Why minimum? Because you have to make sure all of the raids are run at least enough to cover morning, evening and after hours shifts.). Even then they'd probably need to run each Raid at least twice preferably 3 or four times a shift to keep everyone happy....It's insane to expect them to dedicated that sort of manpower to PLAYING the game when their job is to developer.
I really hope that puts it into perspective for you. If not, well. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion and I'll leave you to it. Hope you enjoy DDO for a long time to come.
D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).
Well figure them out? No one knew them before someone did them. None of them are super hard to figure out. Oh and by the way, Can is a new server and as such has less people of the appropriate levels running around. Check out another servers LFM's one day and you will see tons of pug raids up.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella