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Thread: Lfg?

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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Lfg?

    Dumb noob question.

    How does the LFG Social work? All I can ever do is create a new group, which I do not always wanna do.

    Can anyone help me with this?

    I Will not SPAM general, Trade or Advice channel with "hey, i'm a (fill in the blank) looking to do kobolds on hard/elite" every 2 min.

    Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter
    LVL 5 Wizard,

  2. #2
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Generally, you open the social window, and see a list of groups "Looking for More"
    You scroll through that list to see if there's anyone looking for characters of your class and level, doing a quest you're interested in.
    If so, you click the leader's name and click either "join" (if you think you'd be right for the group) or "send tell" if you have questions
    If the leader accepts, you're in. Proceed to the quest

    If you don't see any groups that suit you, don't be afraid to make your own group. You're not required to know the quest, and starting a group with a note like "new player, go slow" is a good way to find people who will let you go at your own pace rather than racing you through the quest.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Generally, you open the social window, and see a list of groups "Looking for More"
    You scroll through that list to see if there's anyone looking for characters of your class and level, doing a quest you're interested in.
    If so, you click the leader's name and click either "join" (if you think you'd be right for the group) or "send tell" if you have questions
    If the leader accepts, you're in. Proceed to the quest

    If you don't see any groups that suit you, don't be afraid to make your own group. You're not required to know the quest, and starting a group with a note like "new player, go slow" is a good way to find people who will let you go at your own pace rather than racing you through the quest.
    Thank you Arianrhod. I never thought to put the new player in the note. I shall try that this evening when I get home from work.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I would add this: The "Looking for group" mechanism that puts the gold symbol over your head is kind of worthless. Use the social panel as Arianrhod said instead of clicking LFG and waiting for someone to contact you.

  5. #5
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    No one but a few new players uses the LFG function, its not very helpful, especially after you have several chars. And thank you for not spamming general, that's very frowned upon.

    The best advice is to look in the LFM social grouping tab for a posted group that intersts you. If you don't see one, start your own group, odds are other people just like you are staring at the tab hoping somene else starts the group Unless you are starting a raid no one expects you to have any special quest knowleget just because you started the group. Find something that sounds interesting and give it a shot!

    Welcome to the game

  6. #6
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dosai View Post
    I Will not SPAM general, Trade or Advice channel with "hey, i'm a (fill in the blank) looking to do kobolds on hard/elite" every 2 min.
    You are now officially one of my favorite newbs (you get promoted from n00b ).

    Everyone else had given great advice. I do highly recommend using the comments section when you start groups. Experienced players don't mind joining groups with new players if they a) know what they are getting into and b) think the new player will be receptive to the knowledge/advice they have. "New player, looking for help" won't scare away helpful vets. "Experience people only; need guide" does. (If only experienced people are in the group, why is a guide necessary? )

    Humor is always nice too. I'll join a group with a funny lfm faster than I will a boring one.

    ~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~

  7. #7
    Community Member treeman1975's Avatar
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    I like the LFG panel and use it every time I get on, but here lately I am having a harder time finding or filling a group. I will have been using the LFP option but the last two time I been invited by people who are LV3 and lower. Then they grip when they aren’t getting any XP because I’m a lv 10 paly

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