The OP just want to play with people who share his playstyle and are equally experienced. I don't see what's wrong with that?
A while back when I played on Thelanis I did the same by putting "Be uber or don't join" on my LFMs when leveling, new players can't possibly keep up so they will not enjoy the quest, nor will they contribute anything.
It was a success, not only did I met some good players, but I also got some amusing tells from some roleplayers who insulted me and claimed that I insulted all "average and below" players by not wanting to play with them.
Apparently we veterans have to spend our precious time ingame helping random noobs instead of enjoying the game.
Where's the thread delete key??? Where's the *&%*$*ing thread delete key?!!?!
Rrend - Nobble - Serberus - Nuckles - Indifferent - Rrender - Rrendage - Rrendtron - Rrendfu - Rrendsoul
Proud Member of Caffeine on Sarlona
I would like to totaly disagree with the op but I just cant, while there are many fine new players there are also many new players who just want to be difficult and not want to listen or even flat out tell you that your wrong and dont know what your talking about. I have started to solo a lot more unless a friend or a guildie is on, if I didnt have tech issues often on khyber I would proably stick there even more since I know many fine players there and would have to put up with this issue less. If there was a game I liked even 10% as much as this I would consider trying it to see if it was better but the social enviroment is proably the same these kind of games just attact that kind of person.
Of course a pay only game would have less of the problematic players but wouldnt be free of them.
Beware the Sleepeater
Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Just want to help Rrend keep this thread going....
If your life's work can be completed in your lifetime, you're thinking too small.
~~Wes Jackson~~
Hey Rend ran one of my girls with your favored soul the other day think it was my ranger threw some necropolis and co6 and I admit to the pug quality has taken a hit but to me pugging has always been hit or miss depending on the class im playing especially. I hate babysitting other players at any level so it can be rough. I cant put myself on your list because I play at random times now due to family issues but if im ever on and you dont see me in group feel free to send a message the worst I will say is cant right now.
Ladies are in my sig save the new ones which all have listed in their bios. Oh and playing mostly elves gives me away to![]()
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Rrend - Nobble - Serberus - Nuckles - Indifferent - Rrender - Rrendage - Rrendtron - Rrendfu - Rrendsoul
Proud Member of Caffeine on Sarlona
Yeah, but Dragonage is gonna require more horsepower I'm sure for high graphics settings.
I hate and resent all of you with multi-level man caves.
Rrend - Nobble - Serberus - Nuckles - Indifferent - Rrender - Rrendage - Rrendtron - Rrendfu - Rrendsoul
Proud Member of Caffeine on Sarlona
Anytime I'm on I'll be glad to help ya out, I've got 3-4 toons in that range I believe.
Grettel 12th Barb - Ugly
Bellflower 10th Fighter - Intimitank AC build
Kobaiashi - 9th - Kensai DPS
I'm in Caffeine. We aren't strategically savvy!™.
Wait, this isn't just happening on Argo? I was wondering if the sudden massive decrease in the quality and quantity of groups in that range was an isolated thing... this even happens in the P2P areas, so I don't think it can be fully pinned on the 'froobs'.
Not knowing the quest I could understand, and wouldn't be the slightest bit mad about. After all I was there myself not too long ago, and still am for some content. But things like arcanes not hasting and firewalling, divines not making use of their spells because they'd rather melee, and not even that well, melee guys running 5 screens ahead of everyone else... That sort of thing used to stop when you hit this range and the game got more serious, now it doesn't. End result is 30 minute quests take 2 hours and up. That's just stupid. Way I see it, know what to do or be willing to listen to those that do. That's my stance.
I don't have any Sarlona characters, so I will leave it at that.
Very disappointing thread.
It had potential, but alas, nobody here has a big enough sac.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
Feel you pain in this regard. I have just given up on the game all together and cancelled both my accounts. The game has just become painful to play as most of the people I played with quit long ago with the eternal wait for mod 9, I mean DDO:EU. I was excited when the FTP launched but my worst fears came true when I realized how many of the new players were arrogant kids with no intrest in learning the game. I log into server after server and it's the same thing. Maybe the game is just played out for me, I don't know. I just have zero intrest in PUGing anymore and my guild has gone to large and active to 2 or 3 active players, and active for them now a days seems to be once a week.
DDO was an awsome game but the slow development of new content over the last year and a half has driven a lot of good players away. Now they have attracted new players that pay nothing and have little investment to the game. I won't even get into being able to buy favor rewards like Drow and 32 pt builds in the store. The game has just simply jumped the shark.
Now I read this thread with some hope maybe other people are frustrated as well and I am floored how many long time subscribers are flaming the OP for his desicion to enjoy the game how he sees fit. I mean he/she pays to play so why flame if he wants to play with like minded players.
Anyway To the OP I hope you find the playersyou are looking for in the game and sorry to derail the thread. I will go back to quietly waiting for Mortal Online to launch now.
My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.
Op. You may investigate the "dungeon scaling" as the culprit. I have no problem soloing the same content at level that becomes resource intensive in a group. Ive noticed that post mod its better to solo whatever you can and take others if you need a lever puller or something. inexperienced players aggravate this of course but thats really a side effect of the real problem
Last edited by Jovial; 10-29-2009 at 10:29 PM.