My (now lvl 8) artificer doesn't appear in my character list or in myDDO : (page not found).
My (now lvl 8) artificer doesn't appear in my character list or in myDDO : (page not found).
My characters are unavailable on my ddo .
My characters are archived and do not update. I am told to log in to fix it but nothing happens. They are all on Argonessen
So i can't enter any lotteries till this is fixed. Thank you!
My (2) characters on Orien, Dhuunyl and Dhoonyl, haven't updated since 1/04/2011 6:39 pm. How can I resolve this? Thanks
My main character is anonymous and not updated.
please find enclosed a check for one million dollars lol
My currently lvl 11 with xp for 12 Arti on Thelanis shows up as Anonymous even though I have him ticked as public.
I've never had any problems with MyDDO before.
A more interesting question is why you have 2 myddo profiles.
FOr me it shows a monk that I deleted a long time ago, which was level 4 at the time, instead of my level 20 Wizard, not sure what is going on there :P
Wow! I didn't notice this - But when the forums went down I was told to change my password to get into MyDDO.
It looks like the old page is still showing.
Both show the same characters - it is one account.
BTW It's still showing my halfling staff fighter Aeriuos of Ghallanda who I deleted a year or so back.
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 11-04-2011 at 06:52 AM.
Ghallanda -> Nefelim (last update was sometime in august)
Still not updating and loto winnings don't get mailed
If you do a search says there is two but no matter which link you use it view to the old one
Further discussions post on this link please: