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  1. #1
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    Default I need Gear advice

    I'm an almost lvl 7 ftr. He's my first character so I semi-randomly picked a dwarven footman from the build thread. Basically a 2hf Kensai. Only thing I've done differently is take Cleave @ 6 instead of Imp 2hf. If you have any ideas how to make him a better character by deviating from that build, let me know. I also still have the free feat respec.

    Eyes: +1 atk bonus
    Head: +3 intimidate
    Neck: Anger's (str 1, resistance 1)
    Trink: Voice of the Master
    Cloak: of Resistance
    Belt: of disease immunity and light fort
    Ring: Protection +1 (deflection)
    Ring: lesser false life
    Hands: Protectors (Intim 3, DR 1/-)
    Feet: Anger's (2 exp retreat/rest, jump +3)
    Wrist: Bracer's of Assistance (Aid 1/rest)
    Armor: +4 Fullplate

    Shield: +4 Heavy Steel
    +1 Lesser lightning guard heavy steel

    Weapons: +1 shock dwarf axe of right
    +1 ghost touch battleaxe of pure good
    +2 Keen Greataxe (Carnifex)
    +4 Morning Star (for skeletons)
    +1 Long Bow

    141 hps, 31/25 AC (shield/no shield)

    I just noticed the redundancy in my cloak of resistance and my necklace, doh.

    I'm VIP, so if there are any areas that have good droprates or uniques, let me know. Another concern of mine has been my bad run-ins with elemental damage and spells. Can I reasonably get some resist gear or should I just stock up on potions? If I can find an item with spell resistance, what is a good number to shoot for @ lvls 7+?

    I just read through some of the static rewards and got some good ideas, but I'm still a little overwhelmed.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sry nevermind
    Last edited by marshm1972; 10-22-2009 at 02:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    It is amazing how many people jump on build threads with insane comments about endgame but cannot say anything about early and mid level play to someone that needs info.

    I looks like you have already run Delera's since you have VoM. You may want to run it again and shoot for a couple more items there.
    The manicles, if you are not lawful, are 'wrist slots' and give you +4 deflection bonus. It will help your ac a lot at lower lvls.
    The gloves (I cant remember the name atm): +4str and -1dex

    If you can find it, or afford it, try to get +4 or +5 adamant Full plate (DR3/-) instead of your current plain +4 FP. If you have a dex bonus greater than +1, then you will want Mithral but that is even more expensive and harder to come by. Also check out any Tempest Spine groups you see. There is a set of armor called Giants FP or 'FP of the Giants' that gives DR5/-. Bring loot pots for targeted chest loot because they dont drop often.

    If you find +4 or +5 Mithral armor at low lvls check out the necropolis quests. There is an extremely annoying series of them that give you the ingredients for an 'Eerie Trinket.' The Eerie Trinket gives you DR5/evil that will come in handy in mith armor.

    TangleRoot and Cult of the Six are also a great low lvl +3 stat gear and you should have at least +3con items, and dex if you get go with mith FP.

    The threnals out of house P is a loot rock star at low lvls. Look at the static loot thread to see what I mean.

  4. #4
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    And yes, for elemental encounters bring pots. If you dont know the quest ask someone in group what you will be fighting and grab the appropriate resists if there is not a buffer in group.

  5. #5
    Community Member Mangloid's Avatar
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    It may not seem like it, but you already have a weapon that will be very useful all the way to the shroud. For a THF build Carniflex is very nice and I've know lots of THF builds to use it well into 15 and 16. Aside from it not being great for undead and some elementals and the von construct, I'd use it as my primary weapon and not worry about spending any money on any others (unless you find a two handed transmuter of pure good).
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    Hi welcome!

    (I wonder if I'll get banned for this?)

  6. #6
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    Carnifex is not just a keen greataxe. A keen greataxe has a 10% chance to crit. Carnifex has 20%. You can see why people consider it such a good weapon.

  7. #7
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    Default Up to 12

    Alright. I'm up to 12 with a stronger grip on the game. Also, I have a base 14 Dex base for the mithral questions earlier.

    Eyes: +1 Atk bonus, blindness immunity, 5/rest Haste
    Head: +10 intimidate, Underwater Action, haggle
    Neck: Shrunken Head; +3 resist, Necro2 neck (deathblock/resist lvl drain)
    Trink: Voice of the Master, Lesser undead guard
    Cloak: Mantle of the Worldshaper, Imp Fire resist, Cloak of Protection (+3 protect and 17 SR)
    Belt: GF Life, Poison immune, 17 SR
    Ring: Protection +4
    Ring: +5 Con
    Handsel's (+4 str, -1dex, disease immune)
    Feet: +3 Dex w/ Enfeebling Ray
    Wrist: Chaosgarde
    Armor: +3 Adamant, +5 Flametouched FP, +2 FP of Ice Guard

    Shield: +4 Tower, Kundark Troopers (Heroism 3/ )

    Weapons: (greataxes) +5 Shock of PG, +1 Metalline of PG, +2 Para, +1 Smiter (low crit range, but it was cheap), +2 Adam of Frost
    +4 G Touch Maul of PG (skeletons)
    I have a few Dwarven Axes (metalline, GT, everbright) for when I need my shield, but nothing special.

    Any suggestions at to where to go from here? I'm still shooting for the FP of Giants or Mithral FP. I still need Fear Immunity, so I was thinking Reaver's Ring. I'd also like to have a full set of Greater Elemental:X Resistance cloaks, but that seems kinda expensive. Maybe just some Elemental: X protection clickies? Eventaully Firestorm Greaves and the Djinn ring. Also, Kundarak delving boots for Freedom of Movement.

    What groups should I be looking for? Gianthold and Sands? Any other tips are welcome

  8. #8
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    +5 Adamantine FP I mean.

    Sorry, not sure how to edit and I'm too tired to mess with it right now.

  9. #9
    Community Member Doomcrew's Avatar
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    Collect some taps from the Orchard and grab Minos Legens
    helmet. +20 hp and heavy fort.


  10. #10
    Community Member RoboVanguard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odins0n View Post
    Alright. I'm up to 12 with a stronger grip on the game. Also, I have a base 14 Dex base for the mithral questions earlier.

    Eyes: +1 Atk bonus, blindness immunity, 5/rest Haste
    Head: +10 intimidate, Underwater Action, haggle
    Neck: Shrunken Head; +3 resist, Necro2 neck (deathblock/resist lvl drain)
    Trink: Voice of the Master, Lesser undead guard
    Cloak: Mantle of the Worldshaper, Imp Fire resist, Cloak of Protection (+3 protect and 17 SR)
    Belt: GF Life, Poison immune, 17 SR
    Ring: Protection +4
    Ring: +5 Con
    Handsel's (+4 str, -1dex, disease immune)
    Feet: +3 Dex w/ Enfeebling Ray
    Wrist: Chaosgarde
    Armor: +3 Adamant, +5 Flametouched FP, +2 FP of Ice Guard

    Shield: +4 Tower, Kundark Troopers (Heroism 3/ )

    Weapons: (greataxes) +5 Shock of PG, +1 Metalline of PG, +2 Para, +1 Smiter (low crit range, but it was cheap), +2 Adam of Frost
    +4 G Touch Maul of PG (skeletons)
    I have a few Dwarven Axes (metalline, GT, everbright) for when I need my shield, but nothing special.

    Any suggestions at to where to go from here? I'm still shooting for the FP of Giants or Mithral FP. I still need Fear Immunity, so I was thinking Reaver's Ring. I'd also like to have a full set of Greater Elemental:X Resistance cloaks, but that seems kinda expensive. Maybe just some Elemental: X protection clickies? Eventaully Firestorm Greaves and the Djinn ring. Also, Kundarak delving boots for Freedom of Movement.

    What groups should I be looking for? Gianthold and Sands? Any other tips are welcome
    your cloak of protection is pretty much useless since it won't stack with your ring. Also, the gear you want to wear depends on your build too so we might be able to help you out more if you give us some of those details. Don't need the whole shebang, but what classes you're planning on taking may help us out. I always had a +cha for my cloak slot since it's like a stacking resistance item for me (fighter/pally), but that's probably not your case. For now though, you should probably get featherfalling/underwater action rings if you can since it's usually more viable to switch out a ring than it is to swap out your helm or other item.

    For the elementals i would suggest getting argenti's armor (greater fire resist +5 full plate), and also a wounding+paralyzing weapons if you use twf at all (paralyzing for air eles mostly, and wounding for everything else, but especially earth)

    For raids your level, you should run demon sands to see if you can get a seal of earth(+3 natural ac) and sandstorm glasses (blindness immunity and true seeing). For a trinket, I recommend using dusk heart for defense if you need it, since it'll probably help more than any ac item (you don't seem to be an ac build). You can probably ditch your korthos goggles too, at this point that +1 ab isn't going to make any difference anymore. Hell, even with a tower shield and in CE I don't really have problems hitting anything. I also like having str on my belt and dex on my gloves so I can have striding on my boots. The extra running speed may not seem important but it's better than it seems. You can also try shooting for golden greaves (3/- DR and 15% striding) or boots of the innocent (+15% striding, +5 resistance)

    For armor, resists or deathblock are the best things to grab on them right now.

  11. #11
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    Sorry, the link I gave earlier isn't working. 20ftr; Dwarven 2hf Kensai. 18 str, 14, dex, 16 con. Yeah I know the Cloak and ring don't stack. I just keep it around for when my mantle is out of spell absorption charges, even though 17 SR is junk. I have featherfalling and striding boots, and a Undw. Action Helm, so swap outs aren't my main concern, but I'll look into that. As for everything else, thanks for all the advice. There are just so many different buffs/stats/effects, that it's hard to get them all on one character, at least at this level where there aren't many good compound items (ex: +con belt of false life). I'll try and make a wish list or something later and we'll see how obtainable it will be. Thanks again.

  12. #12
    Community Member RoboVanguard's Avatar
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    If you're mainly 2hf, then there should be two primary sets of gear. One goes with your shield for when you need the ac, but without a shield and being a defensively minded build with defensive enhancement/feats, 40 ac and 10 ac are pretty much the same. You'll still get hit a lot, so my advice is to have one set of gear for pure damage reduction (via DR and AC), and one set for damage dealing (maximizing damage mostly, ab not so much)

  13. #13
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roziel_Longblade View Post
    The gloves (I cant remember the name atm): +4str and -1dex

    Look at the static loot thread to see what I mean.
    Linen Handwraps - (Gloves) Strength +4, Dexterity -1, Disease Immunity

    Link to thread, for those new to the forums:
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

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