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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Three players looking for casual guild

    Myself and a couple others have recently began playing again, first starting f2p, and now we're all playing with VIP accounts. I'm playing a level 8 monk, and we also have a level 7 ranger and level 7 cleric/fighter. Mostly we're looking for a guild that might keep us from having to use hireling to run all our dungeons. Looking for mostly laid back folks, medium sized guild, with people of all levels. VIP status would also be nice, since we'll be running a lot of pay to play or VIP content. Having an experienced guild leader would be a major plus, as level 8 is the furthest I have gone in this game thus far. If interested, please respond here or look for myself (Valkaer) in game and let me know a little about your guild, like size, personality, and experience. Thanks for your time and hope to hear from someone soon!
    Last edited by Haijinx; 10-21-2009 at 08:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Make that 4 people looking for a casual guild

    I have also been searching for a guild that's relatively laid back.. no to light hearted drama, and noob friendly with plenty of people in my level range to group with. Level 6 seems to be about it for running with hirelings as they just don't cut it anymore, besides they never laugh at my jokes..

    Since the subject of zerging, rp, and permadeath seem to be the ones that come up the most, here's my playstyle in regards to those big 3..

    First time through a dungeon I do like to take my time.. I want to experience the content not rush through it. However, since a lot of dungeons lend themselves to running more than once, I am just fine speeding up a little when everyone else is in agreement. Either way I am pretty laid back and I never leave my groupmates behind

    Permadeath... not so much

    RP is fine. Some people can really pull it off and some people can't but try really hard.. some people can't and don't try hardly at all. I fall into the latter category. I always feel just a little silly when I try, and I envy those who pull it off well. So you won't hear any "thee's" and "forsooth's" coming from me in Vent.

    I believe I have a fairly good sense (if not slightly off the wall) sense of humor. I would much rather group with half skilled players who have fun together than group with elitest pro's who scream at people for screwing up. Typically in all my previous MMORPG's I have been fortunate enough to have friends who were also skilled players with a great sense of humor. I am hoping to find that somewhere on Cannith. I have OLD ANCIENT knowledge of D&D so I am not totally in the dark about how the system works and have somehow managed to bungle my way through the first 6 levels as a rogue/rng(Azraehl).
    I am EST and usually play between 7pm to 10 or 11pm and on weekends I am usually on criminally early in the AM.

    If this sounds like your guild.. send me a tell in game or reply here. If you're not in a guild and some of the stuff here made you say "Hey that sounds like me! My hirelings don't laugh at MY jokes either!" Then let's get a group going sometime.

  3. #3
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    lol make that 5 people looking for a casual guild then. Anyone have a list of such guilds? Honestly I only play two weeks a month, I'm easy going, will raid if you laugh at my wife jokes I quit WOW because of the time investment required, I love DDO as it's more easy going, but I'm finding it hard to find a decent size guild who aren't infested with emo raging children.

  4. #4
    Community Member Sumerianlord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SicJake View Post
    Anyone have a list of such guilds?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Default Casual Guilds

    What would be ideal is if all the currently guildless people who are looking for the same thing (casual, light nonstrict RP, non zerg unless the situation warrants it etc) people all got together and joined the same guild.. because what I am seeing every night as I do a /who and look at the guild and player population is that there are a few REALLY SMALL guilds that fit this description.

    If there are several of us out there looking, and we were all to agree to swell the ranks of one particular guild instead of everyone going hither and thither it would just make so much more sense and be more productive for all of us.
    Platinum Knights
    Doom Brigade
    Bring out Yer Dead
    are the ones I have been looking at the closest, though BoyD seems to have people more in the teen level range.

    Not sure about you guys but I am in the 7ish level range and I play mostly 6-11pm or thereabouts EST. I am really tired of burning points on hirelings and want some adventurous companions, but quite frankly I am far too chicken to try a PUG. Some elitest will yell at me for going too slow or not pumping out enough dps or no one in the group will have a sense of humor, or somebody will totally spoil the experience by blasting through everything and I will become that much more jaded about the community.

    Also, Osco has a post about a new "nozerg" channel over on the main cannith forums. I believe you just type /joinchannel nozerg and that's it, but I just read about it and haven't had a chance to check it out yet. That might be helpful in the meantime till we all find a guild home.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azraehl View Post
    What would be ideal is if all the currently guildless people who are looking for the same thing (casual, light nonstrict RP, non zerg unless the situation warrants it etc) people all got together and joined the same guild.. because what I am seeing every night as I do a /who and look at the guild and player population is that there are a few REALLY SMALL guilds that fit this description.
    I'd be down to run some things with anyone who wants, I'm also pretty tired with hirelings and they don't really get the job done... Right now i'm running with a monk, ranger, cleric/fighter. If you see me on send me a tell and lets get something together. I was looking at PK also, looks like a good guild, and I'll probably be talking to them soon about possibly joining. Anyway, hit me up when I'm in game and lets kill some monsters.

  7. #7
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    Smile To those of you looking

    Greetings from Argus Futuri (future defender)
    I am Wapofoc Leader and founder, at this time the guild is small but hope to get it growing, I and my guildmates are new to DDO but not to mmo's.
    I would prefer mature people as I am no youngster myself.
    If interested contact Wapofoc, Dakhahn, or Amakie..

    New to game not to mmo's

    Thank You
    Last edited by wapofoc; 11-01-2009 at 02:32 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Default Inglorious Bastards

    Hey we are a fast growing casual guild. Always looking for new players as well as vets. We have plenty of people that are in you lvl area. Just send a tell to any Inglorious Bastard and we will get you in.

  9. #9
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    Hey everyone....

    alot of you sound like what I am looking for with my new guild for newbies...LOL

    Please see the thread entitled " Newer guild looking for recruits" for more info on both me and my guild.

  10. #10
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    Hello all

    If you are still without a guild, please come take a look at House Phoenix ( We are a well-established, stable, no-drama, casual, mature, family-friendly multi-game guild that has been around for years and active in all major MMOs.

    We have a steady group of players who play nightly, are very friendly and helpful, and always focus on having fun.

    See what we have to offer. Here's a link to our recruitment thread:

  11. #11
    Community Member Cloista's Avatar
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    Going to throw our hat in this particular ring also.

    Greetings, I am Cloista, GM of Brodeth Din Jedar, or as it has been more commonly known in it's various incarnations over thelast 10 years - BDJ.

    We're just starting out on DDO now that it's gone F2P, and we are slowly gaining a foothold here, and are looking to grow. We're primarily based in the EU, though we have a few members in the US also.

    BDJ is a guild for those with a less, stressful, attitude to life and gaming. We're fundamentally a bunch of mates who get together to play, joke around, and make each other's life more pleasant, we don't have a convoluted command structure like a lot of guilds, nor do we make demands on each other's time. A sense of humour is a must.

    Our guild motto, we feel, sums us up really well - Ego te Provoco - which translates to 'I Dare You'.

    If you're willing to be patient and put the effort into a guild which is just finding it's feet here, we will welcome any applications.
    Knight of the Silver Legion, part of Guild Medieval

  12. #12
    Community Member dickie's Avatar
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    Default The slipper Mafia

    We are accepting applicants right now for any new to or old timers in ddo . just hit us up ingame or on guild portal>
    gandorf sorc 20 gandorft bard 13 DougW clr 4 Slyfinger 12 wiz/rog and others

  13. #13
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Elemental Dawn is one of the larger guilds there. I've been very pleased with it. Look me up on the game if you want an invite. Generally over 20+ people on at any given moment. Over 100 members total. I've been in several "guild-only" groups.
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

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