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Thread: Rog/Bard/Rang

  1. #1
    Community Member Nelielly's Avatar
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    Default Rog/Bard/Rang

    Can someone help me with this build. And should I hate wis or charm for sp? Or is this build totally fail? Helps and tips please If this fails, can someone advice me with bard/rogue build.

  2. #2
    Community Member MoosE'Knuckle's Avatar
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    I'd help you but I'm new also. I noticed that 132 people had viewed you request and you didn't get a single bit of feedback. Is this because maybe your build request is already a common one that has been posted before? I've no idea myself. Did you trying searching the forums?


  3. #3
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Because of the versatility of character design in DDO, people really can't help you design something unless you state what you want the character to do. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to get help. As for the mix above, do plan to melee with TWF? Go with ranged attacks? Warchanter? Spellsinger? Tempest? Trap skills or just damage and Evasion? There are hundreds of variables to consider, so a very broad question is less likely to get answered.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  4. #4
    Community Member Club'in's Avatar
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    Triple classes like that usually work best if you focus on one main class, and just "splash" into the others (1 or 2 levels). In your proposed mix, I'd assume the bard would be the focus, with 2 levels each of the other two classes. 2 rogue gets you evasion, 2 ranger gets you the two weapon fighting feat for free. So to answer your most specific question, I'd say charisma would be more important. However, charisma is less important if the type of bard you'd like to be is a warchanter. See? This can get complicated pretty quick...

    In either case, the most common strategy is that if your build includes levels of rogue, take the rogue level first. If the build includes two levels of rogue (for evasion), hold off as long as you can before taking the second level of rogue. Since ranger and bard both receive quite a few skill points per level (compared to say an arcane or a fighter), that allows you to hold off even longer.

    I'd suggest researching Warchanter. Give the build a decent strength and con. Wisdom can be 8 or 10. Charisma maybe 14 (charisma is less important for a warchanter because their power is in their songs, rather than enchantment spells like Otto's or Holds).

    Edit: oh, and consider going human for the extra skill point and extra feat
    Last edited by Club'in; 10-29-2009 at 05:57 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Rogue's a great 2 dip, and ranger's a great 6 dip, but at that point you're going to be missing out on alot of the bardness. You'll miss 6th level spells and probably 5th level. In exchange you'll get tempest (and give up 3 feats) and get evasion. Tempest will help you with dps, but if you're going for evasion you've probably got a high dex anyways, so you might be better off just taking twf feats.

    To me, the advantage of going tempest with a bard is being able to dump dexterity and still get TWF and ITWF since they're bonus feats and you don't have to meet the prerequesites. If you're meeting the prerequesites, you're loosing alot of the bonus since you're not dumping dex and if you are dumping dex then evasion's not all that helpful IMO.

    But I'm not an end gamer either. Highest toon's level 10.

  6. #6
    Founder Wyked's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowcatX View Post
    Rogue's a great 2 dip, and ranger's a great 6 dip, but at that point you're going to be missing out on alot of the bardness. You'll miss 6th level spells and probably 5th level. In exchange you'll get tempest (and give up 3 feats) and get evasion. Tempest will help you with dps, but if you're going for evasion you've probably got a high dex anyways, so you might be better off just taking twf feats.

    To me, the advantage of going tempest with a bard is being able to dump dexterity and still get TWF and ITWF since they're bonus feats and you don't have to meet the prerequesites. If you're meeting the prerequesites, you're loosing alot of the bonus since you're not dumping dex and if you are dumping dex then evasion's not all that helpful IMO.

    But I'm not an end gamer either. Highest toon's level 10.

    ya, right now its hard to give advice without being more specific about your goals.

    some questions,

    bard: what is your objective, 2wf? ranged? warchanter for dps? spell CC? song CC? just buffing?
    rogue: just in it for evasion? in it for DD and search? OL? Spot?
    Ranger: ranged? melee?
    general: 28/drow/32?

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