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Thread: Smokey's Guild

  1. #41
    Community Member Minor_Threat's Avatar
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    Was browsing Smokey's Guild site and I found this pretty disgraceful.
    If it's real, I hope the person posts it here on the forums.
    It seems real though, if it was someone trying to slander- they would likely have done it here.
    Too bad he/she didn't leave an email.

    It's the top comment on their guestbook.

    This and other things I've observed ingame go against your guild "mission statement", Smokey's Guild is more of an unruly mob than anything.
    Last edited by Minor_Threat; 02-15-2010 at 03:13 AM. Reason: link to guestbook didn't work
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    I am proud of this forum post because it shows my ego and my pride. Yahoo Answers! was only to poll others on what they thought of the situation. I know I am in the right and I am always right.

  2. #42
    Community Member MorningStarSE's Avatar
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    I love this server drama

    Though i've no good comment to say about Smokey's guild either. So i will only say that i leave the group as soon as i see the guild tag - soloing quest, even if it takes longer are more profitable then running with one of them..
    Sarlona : The Quebeckers - Soloing, Duoing or Small Group in french
    Thelanis : Sofa Kings - Yes, we are that cool

  3. #43
    Community Member Smokeyturtle's Avatar
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    Exclamation Yes..

    I too have seen that post aswell as other players trashing our guild name and saying they are from DDO.I have deleted them messages.. Is it real about the deaf guy.. I think not, cause as you pointed out no email or no direct contact with me or any officer. Let me tell you I would never do anything like that or want a guild member of mine doing that to others. It makes me sad to think someone would do that or lie about that to make my guild look bad. I have brought it to my officers attention way before you posted it here. If any of my members would or is doing that I would Report them and BOOT them out of the guild. Like I said before I can't control people for all I know it could be another guild members alt. You just never know. Thats why I didn't take it down. I am taking it down now for I am on top of the matter. I always try my best at keeping a eye and ear on how my guild is treating others. I have had many members tell me some wrong things your guilds do to them.. All I can say is report them. I have booted many from my guild for acting a fool and just plain being mean to others. I will not have that in my guild!!

    We at smokey's guild will not treat others badly or be hateful in anyway. We are a fellowship guild and at anytime a member of my guild acts hateful or mean to others Report them right away and hey let me know about it. For how will I know if you don't tell me their characters name so I can take action. I see I will never get through to you all on this Forum but I truely wish this would end. I really hope people that read this see we are a good guild and thats all I Ever wanted.. I mean **** I'm lawful Good...

    "Fight Well Friends"
    ===============>Smokey's Guild<==============
    (Leader)...SmokeyTurtle (1st Officer)...BurninDragon
    All Welcome At Smokey's Guild

  4. #44
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MistressDom View Post
    Whatever you have to have done something to break the rules to get booted that quick.... lets think.... I know you were doing something and got the whole Group killed and then left the team!!!!... I bet that is what you did!!!
    Before you start fanning the flames you should maybe read the actual post. Dr. Who Fan was congratulating...

    Quote Originally Posted by ayspam View Post
    I was also in Smokeys for all of 3mins 37seconds. They booted me.

    I joined Legion afterwards :P
    Merc's don't drop because a group goes bad. It's in the rules. We can recall out and reform if the group agrees, we can recall out and re-enter, but we do not drop group because of a bad player or people die. It's in the guild rules.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  5. #45
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jones20992 View Post
    well i guess its time for my 2 cents worth


    myself happy questing
    You hurt my eyes. I tried but just couldn't get past the first line.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  6. #46
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    I have run with several members of Smoky's.

    I do have a few on my friend's list because they were good players.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  7. #47
    Community Member Minor_Threat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokeyturtle View Post
    Is it real about the deaf guy.. I think not, cause as you pointed out no email or no direct contact with me or any officer.
    As usual your posts are a bit incoherent. However, if it was fake and simply to slander you, why would this person do it on your site which probably had very little traffic other than guild members? Or that you can just delete it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Smokeyturtle View Post
    Like I said before I can't control people for all I know it could be another guild members alt. You just never know.
    Not saying you have to control people but it seems, that blind inviting people leads to having less than stellar guildies. I'm sure there are some good players in Smokey's Guild, by sheer numbers there would have to be a few, maybe someday I'll meet one.

    I know you say you don't send blind invites but I made it into "Smokey's Guild" without asking, because walking around Korthos I was sent an invite and this was about 2 months ago. Apparently it isn't blind inviting if the person can see you, I asked the person who had the officer invite me, he said that the more people he recruits the sooner he becomes an officer. This is why you end up with people that cause ingame problems and lead to this type of thing.

    I just realized after reading farther into your response that I'm just wasting my time, you can't comprehend the situation.

    "Fight Well Friends"
    Last edited by Minor_Threat; 02-15-2010 at 01:55 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    I am proud of this forum post because it shows my ego and my pride. Yahoo Answers! was only to poll others on what they thought of the situation. I know I am in the right and I am always right.

  8. #48
    Community Member RangerMaya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smokeyturtle View Post
    By reading this, I see why they may have died.. Zerging quest for what? Its players like you running through dungeons and not being a team (etc. etc)
    I fail to see how one player can be blamed for the other five dying when they aren't even in the same part of the dungeon. I highly doubt that the one person who wasn't being a "team player" could have made the difference and saved the rest from death in a cake dungeon; if they couldn't survive in a group of five people there's probably no saving them.

    Generally when you join a favor run it's accepted that there isn't any xp involved and people tend to split up to just get it over with quickly.

    Not bashing anyone's guild here, just saying that it sounds silly to blame 5 party member's deaths on the fact that one person wasn't with them when they died.

  9. #49
    Community Member Smokeyturtle's Avatar
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    ((As usual your posts are a bit incoherent. However, if it was fake and simply to slander you, why would this person do it on your site which probably had very little traffic other than guild members? Or that you can just delete it?))

    It justs seems fake to me. because when new members join up they could read it just fishy thats all. Also why would a Hearing Inpaired person call himself Deaf Player.. I'm just thinking its strange thats all.

    ((I know you say you don't send blind invites but I made it into "Smokey's Guild" without asking, because walking around Korthos I was sent an invite and this was about 2 months ago. Apparently it isn't blind inviting if the person can see you, I asked the person who had the officer invite me, he said that the more people he recruits the sooner he becomes an officer.))

    See that makes me think your attacking my guild, For one (Members) can't invite you into the guild only officers can or me. And we ask the Character if they want to join before the invite, like you said he says she say..**** I feel like we are in grade school.. inviting people in the guild makes him a officer. Thats not how you become a officer in my guild. I don't make people officer for getting people to join the guild. If he is talking to you how is that a blind invite which one explains he had no way to blind invite.. Its cool man you hate me and my guild. I'm sure alot of people like you aswell.

    How old are you all?
    I want a age post so I know cause this is like bunch of 5th graders..
    So let me do what I was here posting from the begining...

    All welcome at Smokey's Guild..
    Any level/class/race/gender
    are welcome
    to join our Fellowship Guild.
    We are always online 24/7
    "Eight days a week.."
    (great song)
    To help out new players,
    Questing help,
    Or maybe you just
    need a change of guilds?
    For the guild your in now isn't the
    right fit for your character.
    Don't worry we have it all..
    We have guild events,quest groups,role playing,
    also pvp for all your characters needs.
    You couldn't ask for more in a guild.

    We also have a web page aswell

    A Guild Forum Too..

    So you can grow within the guild and share
    your greatest moments here at
    Smokey's Guild..

    Fight Well Friends
    Last edited by Smokeyturtle; 02-15-2010 at 05:31 PM.
    ===============>Smokey's Guild<==============
    (Leader)...SmokeyTurtle (1st Officer)...BurninDragon
    All Welcome At Smokey's Guild

  10. #50

  11. #51
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
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    Default Leading

    I think I made a post in this thread a while ago and think if people from Smokey's Guild, especially the Leader and Officers read it, they would be much better off.

    Guys, your guild is huge and you have NO WAY of controlling what your members do.

    If you think you know all your members and how they are in every situation at every time... you are sorely mistaken... no one is that omniscient.

    If you are going to have an open guild, you better have an open mind and thick skin, as you are going to have incidents.

    Maybe the "deaf" player incident was true or not. Seriously... mitigate it. Many guilds have suffered situations like this... true or not.

    You need to learn from the other guilds out there who have had bad ***** happen in their guild or suffer rumors, inuendos, etc...

    "Water off the ducks back".

    You can either investigate every situation in order to clear up incidents, pick and chose the odd one, or just let it go.

    A guild of your size will be IMPOSSIBLE to control.

    You guys need to make a choice... or a few choices. Either you are huge and open to the good, bad and ugly, or you clean it up and only allow people who buy into your philosophy and will conduct themselves in accordance with your mantra.

    Take it from someone who knows politics in game and out of game...The more you argue or try to fight an argument like the one you are "slander", or whatever... you will come across as defensive and ultimately will lose.

    Trust me again... I've felt it. You can be completely innocent and on the right side of things and someone says one thing that is not true and all the sudden you are pariah.

    Guys, It appears you know what you want Smokey's Guild to be, so now you just need to determine how you will deal with "issues" that come up.

    I love the concept of a open guild that wants to be good and help all, but it might be a lot to expect to hope for a perfect situation. Maybe in your mantra you could post something about asking for understanding and forgiveness for anything you guys will ever do wrong and then link back to it with any responses to people slamming you in the future... that might help.

    BTW.. sounds like a sermon, but I'm just trying to help.

    Last edited by Ministry; 02-15-2010 at 06:39 PM.

  12. #52
    Community Member Deadslug's Avatar
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    Default Smokey's Guild

    I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Misstressdom's response to my winners post was a misunderstanding. She's actually a very nice person and very loyal to her guildmates. Smokeyturtle is a very stand-up guy who has been trying very hard to create an inviting and friendly guild where everyone is welcomed. The members of Smokey's Guild that I have encountered over the last few months (since September when they re-appeared) have been really enjoyable to quest with. Like all guilds, i'm sure Smokey's gets a bad apple or two. Smokey patrols this forum, and he's in game all the time. If you have a specific issue with one of his peeps, give him respect. Go to him, go to one of his officers they go out of their way to help and/or correct bad situations. Megar is a really awesome person and fun to play with. If you haven't gotten a chance to play with her or Winda.... you should. Both are excellent players, on par, on calliber with the kind of play you come to expect when in a group with Pestillence or Legion players. Truly some of the server's elite.

    Go to Smokey. He's very approachable. I was on Thelanis and witnessed the first incarnation of Smokey's Guild. They blind invited everyone, and then did not police their rank and file. By the time Smokeyturtle realized it was happening, it was a little out of control. The guild disappeared for a long time, when F2P came out, they reappeared. The guild of today is completely different from the guild of 3 years ago. Smokey and all of his officers are very responsible and great players. They are putting a lot of effort into making it work well this time. I am proud to call them friends.

    I'm Nineteen Zerothirtyseven, and that's what I think.
    I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1GUILD LEADER OF THE UMBER HULKS

  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Deadslug View Post
    I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Misstressdom's response to my winners post was a misunderstanding. She's actually a very nice person and very loyal to her guildmates. Smokeyturtle is a very stand-up guy who has been trying very hard to create an inviting and friendly guild where everyone is welcomed. The members of Smokey's Guild that I have encountered over the last few months (since September when they re-appeared) have been really enjoyable to quest with. Like all guilds, i'm sure Smokey's gets a bad apple or two. Smokey patrols this forum, and he's in game all the time. If you have a specific issue with one of his peeps, give him respect. Go to him, go to one of his officers they go out of their way to help and/or correct bad situations. Megar is a really awesome person and fun to play with. If you haven't gotten a chance to play with her or Winda.... you should. Both are excellent players, on par, on calliber with the kind of play you come to expect when in a group with Pestillence or Legion players. Truly some of the server's elite.

    Go to Smokey. He's very approachable. I was on Thelanis and witnessed the first incarnation of Smokey's Guild. They blind invited everyone, and then did not police their rank and file. By the time Smokeyturtle realized it was happening, it was a little out of control. The guild disappeared for a long time, when F2P came out, they reappeared. The guild of today is completely different from the guild of 3 years ago. Smokey and all of his officers are very responsible and great players. They are putting a lot of effort into making it work well this time. I am proud to call them friends.

    I'm Nineteen Zerothirtyseven, and that's what I think.
    Mistrissdom has a PM.

    SOrry Deadslug, I get the oppisete, especially what she said to me.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  14. #54
    Community Member Minor_Threat's Avatar
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    Did you even read my post?

    Quote Originally Posted by Smokeyturtle View Post

    It justs seems fake to me. because when new members join up they could read it just fishy thats all. Also why would a Hearing Inpaired person call himself Deaf Player.. I'm just thinking its strange thats all. Just because someone has what others call a disability doesn't mean that they are also politically correct about it.

    ((I know you say you don't send blind invites but I made it into "Smokey's Guild" without asking, because walking around Korthos I was sent an invite and this was about 2 months ago. Apparently it isn't blind inviting if the person can see you, I asked the person who had the officer invite me, he said that the more people he recruits the sooner he becomes an officer.))

    See that makes me think your attacking my guild, For one (Members) can't invite you into the guild only officers can or me. And we ask the Character if they want to join before the invite, like you said he says she say..**** I feel like we are in grade school.. inviting people in the guild makes him a officer. Thats not how you become a officer in my guild. I don't make people officer for getting people to join the guild. If he is talking to you how is that a blind invite which one explains he had no way to blind invite.. Its cool man you hate me and my guild. I'm sure alot of people like you aswell.

    If you read my post you would see that I was invited by an officer, and I questioned the person who told them to invite me, and as far as what the guy said, I didn't say it- one of your guildies did.

    How old are you all?
    I want a age post so I know cause this is like bunch of 5th graders..
    So let me do what I was here posting from the begining...
    I don't hate anyone, I just get irritated that you are constantly posting your guild mantra all over, ingame, on the forums, when a large portion of your guild doesn't seem to follow it at all and when it gets brought up you just post something like "I CAN"T CONTROL EVERYONE!!11!", just accept it and change your guild name to "Smokey's Mob"

    All welcome at Smokey's Guild..
    Any level/class/race/gender
    are welcome
    to join our Fellowship Guild.
    We are always online 24/7
    "Eight days a week.."
    (great song)
    To help out new players,
    Questing help,
    Or maybe you just
    need a change of guilds?
    For the guild your in now isn't the
    right fit for your character.
    Don't worry we have it all..
    We have guild events,quest groups,role playing,
    also pvp for all your characters needs.
    You couldn't ask for more in a guild.

    Fight Well Friends
    Last edited by Minor_Threat; 02-15-2010 at 09:42 PM. Reason: deleting ****
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    I am proud of this forum post because it shows my ego and my pride. Yahoo Answers! was only to poll others on what they thought of the situation. I know I am in the right and I am always right.

  15. #55
    Community Member Deadslug's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    Mistrissdom has a PM.

    SOrry Deadslug, I get the oppisete, especially what she said to me.
    I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!1

    Her venom towards me, i think was a missunderstanding. I would like to give her the benefit of my doubt. I know that many people from the guild as a whole made sure that me and them were cool. I don't know what she said to you, Doctor.... I can't speak on that. I do know that Smokey's Guild has taken a bad rep on this server and its forum for years. I know that I have interacted with very many of them since F2P came out, and have had nothing but positive experiences with them. I have enjoyed time spent with Smokey, Winda, Megar and many others of them. They seem to still be suffering from sins of the past. Some of their people that have been with the guild from even back then still are very defensive about their name and their guild. They may be on or close to the edge over it. I have long since forgiven the guild's sins of 3 1/2 years ago. I'm looking at the new Smokey's Guild as a new guild. Its not. But I am reaching out to a very large guild that can easily brag 2 to 3 hundred of the games new players. His guild has gone out of their way to welcome new players to the game and create a home they can be proud of. He is helpful to his new recruits and he personally sees to helping each one of them. His officers are good people.

    For awhile, Legion and Pestilence came under attack from some of the other guilds on this server. There are so many great players in those guilds that bring so much valuable experience and ability to every quest they play through, that it is hard to take a stance of hating on them. I'd rather be friendly with them. The role-playing guilds (which would include mine often) come under attack from some of the other guilds on this server. I love these people. They are some of my best friends. Their playing ability should never be questioned. If I need a rouge... I'm anxiously looking for Points. If I need a ranger, I'd be happy to be joined by Turen or Valianna. Bard? Jaggie!!!! Fighter?? Deriaz!! All guilds from every kind of guild have come under fire from one direction or another. The Legions and Pestilence's of our server have become defensive about the things they continually feel attack them. The RP'ers of our server have become defensive about the things they continually feel attack them. Smokey's Guild has become defensive about the things they feel are continually attacking them.

    If I said something offensive to you in this post or any post about one of your close friends in your guild, you'd lay the smack down on me pretty quick. If it came out that the original offense was a missunderstanding, we'd try to work it out.

    Once upon a time there was great Xoriat. The server of hate.
    Once upon a time there was Fair Thelanis. The server of fairies, love and butterflies.
    I'm afraid i was a Thelanis fellow. I want to just see the whole server get along.

    I'm Nineteen Zerothirtyseven, and that's what I think.
    I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1GUILD LEADER OF THE UMBER HULKS

  16. #56
    Community Member Minor_Threat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadslug View Post
    I do know that Smokey's Guild has taken a bad rep on this server and its forum for years. I honestly don't even remember the old Smokey's Guild, it seems the bad rep is newly earned.

    I know that I have interacted with very many of them since F2P came out, and have had nothing but positive experiences with them. I have enjoyed time spent with Smokey, Winda, Megar and many others of them. They seem to still be suffering from sins of the past. Smokey even admits there are people in guild who are less than stellar people and his only advice is to report them, you have more faith than he does apparently.

    For awhile, Legion and Pestilence came under attack from some of the other guilds on this server. Under attack for what? Being great guilds and good at what they do? I don't see the connection.

    The Legions and Pestilence's of our server have become defensive about the things they continually feel attack them. ?

    Smokey's Guild has become defensive about the things they feel are continually attacking them. I hardly think they are being attacked, criticized maybe.

    If I said something offensive to you in this post or any post about one of your close friends in your guild, you'd lay the smack down on me pretty quick. Very little of what is said is anything other than honest observation.

    I'm Nineteen Zerothirtyseven, and that's what I think.
    What I think in red.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    I am proud of this forum post because it shows my ego and my pride. Yahoo Answers! was only to poll others on what they thought of the situation. I know I am in the right and I am always right.

  17. #57
    Community Member Waukeen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waukeen View Post
    smokie's guild is getting elitist?

    a sigh of the apocolypse?

    you be the judge.

    also, Tempest spine experienced only... really? its barely a raid, yet one of the most conceptually complete quests, a hook for new players, if nothing else. I know it hooked me when I pulled fullplate of the giants on my first run long ago.

    11-14 tempest spine. uber.

    and that build, I am speechless.
    I wrote this like 3 months ago and am just now reading the back lash (edited by a mod version).

    I simply articulated my thoughts about a funny lfm pic.

    I stand by my words. I run into smokey guild people often in PuGs.

    Some fulfill their role and others do not.

    That build is a jack of no trade and master of none.

    Furthermore form reading all of your posts MistressDom (especially the v-day massacre one), I will no longer post the thoughts that many of us have about your guild. You seem thoroughly unhinged and hypersensitive. I hope to never meet you ingame

    ________________One of Two Kings_________________

  18. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Deadslug View Post
    I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!1

    Her venom towards me, i think was a missunderstanding. I read it, and I don't know how she would be angry about it, unless she NEVER read the rest of the thread. THat smells of a reactive personality. Not a good thing repping your guild on the forums. REgardless, Not your fault. We, the readers, didn't see an apology, but you are trusted enough to believe she apologised.

    I would like to give her the benefit of my doubt. I know that many people from the guild as a whole made sure that me and them were cool. I don't know what she said to you, Doctor.... I can't speak on that. Look a couple of pages back on the thread here.

    I do know that Smokey's Guild has taken a bad rep on this server and its forum for years. I know that I have interacted with very many of them since F2P came out, and have had nothing but positive experiences with them.

    I have playedwith several REALLY COOL players from Smokey's Guild, andthat is why I am not venoment about it. HOWEVER I have played was some "winners" that have habitly wiped a PuG and tell the group they "know" everything and die continuously doing the wrong thing.

    Also the continuous adverts (though, I admit are getting better) drove me up the wall when trying to answer questions in advice/general, especially in Korthos.

    I have enjoyed time spent with Smokey, Winda, Megar and many others of them. They seem to still be suffering from sins of the past.

    These are new sins. I make no judgment on any guild until they anger me and my guildies off. We are probably the most tolerant guild in the game in regards to new players and new guilds...all I got from them was alot of smack and attitude when I asked them to tone down the spam of the guild recruiting message, and I asked politely.

    Some of their people that have been with the guild from even back then still are very defensive about their name and their guild.

    Well living the example is the best way not being nasty about it. Jumping down the throat of anyone who says ANYTHING can give a guild a bad rep too. And that can be done here in the forums.

    They may be on or close to the edge over it. I have long since forgiven the guild's sins of 3 1/2 years ago.

    I dont remember them 3 1/2 years ago.

    I'm looking at the new Smokey's Guild as a new guild. Its not. But I am reaching out to a very large guild that can easily brag 2 to 3 hundred of the games new players. His guild has gone out of their way to welcome new players to the game and create a home they can be proud of. He is helpful to his new recruits and he personally sees to helping each one of them.

    HE meaning smokey? Probably is. He seems like a nice guy himself, his officers are something to desired.

    His officers are good people. NO. I often roll up a level 1 no-guild in korthos to see what is going on. And while the adverts have slacked off, the bad behavior hasn't. Groups I have been with them have been trials of "knowledge" and/or guild recruiting. Then the blind guild invites. Smokey knows this is bad and he should discourage it from his Officers.

    For awhile, Legion and Pestilence came under attack from some of the other guilds on this server.

    NO, they were attacked generally because ofthe "Xoriat only" LFMs. And it wasn't just them. They had big mouths and bigger egos, at least that what it seemed like at the beginning. THey either got over it or learned to keep it in house. Since they NEVER jumped down my throat over anything and they helped me many times and "allowed" me to join their guild raids, it must mean they relaxed. Which is good, their knowledge pool is awesome.

    Either they thought I was compentent player or they thought I was amusing (I suspect the latter, chuckling at me over vent!) regardless I learned alot from them, and they understood my place in the server. While neither of us seek out the other when questing, I (hope! and) believe we have a mutual respect for each other.

    Not so here. I get some really great guys from Smokeys, then a whole train of idiots. THe Nastiness really colours my opinion of them. Legion and Pestlence haven't giving me nastiness but gave me honestly, without being rude about it. Sometimes that's a bitter pill. To this day, I can only recall twice where Legion was nasty to me.

    There are so many great players in those guilds that bring so much valuable experience and ability to every quest they play through, that it is hard to take a stance of hating on them. I'd rather be friendly with them. The role-playing guilds (which would include mine often) come under attack from some of the other guilds on this server. I love these people. They are some of my best friends. Their playing ability should never be questioned. If I need a rouge... I'm anxiously looking for Points. If I need a ranger, I'd be happy to be joined by Turen or Valianna. Bard? Jaggie!!!! Fighter?? Deriaz!! All guilds from every kind of guild have come under fire from one direction or another. The Legions and Pestilence's of our server have become defensive about the things they continually feel attack them. The RP'ers of our server have become defensive about the things they continually feel attack them. Smokey's Guild has become defensive about the things they feel are continually attacking them.

    If I said something offensive to you in this post or any post about one of your close friends in your guild, you'd lay the smack down on me pretty quick.

    Incorrect. I'd ask you why and try to work it out. Or talk to your guild leader. I don't judge an entire guild by one person. Now you are making assumptions on me.

    If it came out that the original offense was a missunderstanding, we'd try to work it out.

    Once upon a time there was great Xoriat. The server of hate.
    Once upon a time there was Fair Thelanis. The server of fairies, love and butterflies.
    I'm afraid i was a Thelanis fellow. I want to just see the whole server get along.

    I'm Nineteen Zerothirtyseven, and that's what I think.
    Let me give you a Tharashk impression of the merge: Thelanis people, though very welcoming, wanted to play THEIR way and we had to play THEIR way. Xoriat didn't wanna play with the lesser servers and anything with butterflies was wrong.

    Tharashk--well, we were the smallest and we learned to get along WITH EVERY STYLE OF PLAYING. We had to, only Amen and MERCS (not my guild) had enough players to have a guild raid. So we shrugged and waited it out. We will play with anyone and we learned to adopt our playstyles with whomever had the star. Thelanis mellowed to see not everyone thought squaredancing once a week at the bank was cool, and Xorians realised not all of us were gimp. The end result is we all learned to get along with our massive differnence of playstyles to becomethe best Server EVAR!

    Look, If we are addressing Smokey about it, we are trying to get him to realise that he is heading towards a KA. He has been around long enough to realise that what his officers are doing is wrong. HE has the power to make is guild better than before. THe way it is going is not going to be good for him and his guild. He needs to implement some changes and rules.

    My guild, which is pretty rules light, has rules. My guild who helps new players, doesn't invite EVERY ONE OF THEM to my guild. Instead, we tell them how to find the guild that will meet their needs, we give them tools thatwillmakethe game fun and easier. Finally we give them a sounding board for questions, for my guild is required to answer any question (or find the answer) that is presented to them in a tell.

    SO if he wants to help new players, putting them in a guild that lack cohesion and enforces the rule that no one will be turned down is just setting themselves up for a KA disaster.

    And for the record-- Smokey's Guild isn't on our DNP list, nor is any player.
    Last edited by DoctorWhofan; 02-17-2010 at 12:44 PM. Reason: errors
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  19. #59
    Community Member ViralPlastia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Thumbs up

    I'm not in the guild but I've enjoyed questing with your members.

  20. #60
    Community Member Sturlin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I was in the guild for awhile, and I can attest to the fact that at least around october officers were promoted based purely on recruiting power, and that becoming a huge guild was the main goal.

    Left the guild for reasons unrelated to Smokey and his officers: My RL friends switched servers and I jumped over to Khyber.

    Aside from a handful of people I disliked for personal reasons I never noticed any bad behavior from the guild. I would have stuck around had I not been led to switch servers. Still, I can see how it would be such a large guild now that I would have missed the troublemakers, or that Smokey might not see them. Lotta people.

    I agree with some of the statement(s) above. Smokey, you should either let the criticisms rolls off your back or perhaps you should prune your guild a bit so that you may prevent such behavior from the bad egg or two that gets in through the broad recruiting policies. Don't let it stress ya out too much, and happy gaming.

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