Just about every reincarnation thread so far has raised the issue of the loss of your appearance (and any purchased cosmetics) as part of the reincarnation process. I'm not even a 'fluff' guy but its actually the cosmetics that kind of upsets me enough that I may not use any of the reincarnations... I hadn't realized how attached I was to those old faces.
It would be wonderful to have some dev feedback on your thoughts about our feedback. Is the very common request that things default to your old look if you keep the same race 1) feasible, 2) something you may do - still thinking about it, 3) something you will do, 4) something that is a non-starter for you.
Another big issue is the loss of flagging for raids for lesser & greater, as well as the associated reset on raid counters. While this is totally understandable for TR, can we get some dev feedback on the possibility of keeping those flags/counts in place? Once again, is this 1) feasible, 2) something you may do - still thinking about it, 3) something you will do, 4) something that is a non-starter for you
In both cases, any information on the "why" would be helpful.
Yes, I know people will argue both ways on each and every point...but it would be nice to see where Turbine is leaning.