Hello. My name is Azmode, and I recently accidentally sold my +1 Holy Handwraps of Sneak Attack at the AH. It's a long story but let's just say I was being quick because my nephew had an accident. So long story short - I'm level 6, and screwed!
Well, a very nice guy, hearing my story, and realizng my old deeds. As he was hearing how I would always help other people out - giving group mates very expensive items that I looted with no compensation. I woul also give newbies very valuable items. I'm also one of those people that always buys a ton of wands for the group and such to help out. Infact I've lost 6,000 pp in the past two days from doing this. From people running off with my wands, or jsut using them all. You see I like helping people - and I dont mind. However it doesn't seem I ever recieve help when I need it. Which is fine.
So anyways - I really need some Holy Handwraps that are level 6(or close). I'm willing to trade my +4 Holy Handwraps for some LOWER LEVEL ONES! That's right! I'm trading higher level +4 Holy Handwraps for like, +1, +2, Or even some Holu handwraps of Sneak attack(or "Insert Whatever".) As long as I can use them at level 6 I don't care!.
Also, I'm willing to add some more items AND the little amount of gold I I have left to the trade. (All Handwraps). +2 Flaming, +1 True law Of lesser Orc Bane, +2 Axiomatic, +2 True Law Of Deception, +2 Axiomatic, +1 True Law of wieghted, +2 Frost of Weighted. Add the 2,500 pp, and you myfriend, have yourself a HUGE bargin! All this for ONE pair of handwraps!
If you have some good handwraps I can even trade ALL of these just for that SINGLE PAIR! And don't forget I'm trading the +4 Holy Handwraps as well!
I just hope to god someone replies! II've given out so many items that I could have sold on the AH for a huge deal = and now here I am, giving a offer that noone should refuse! This is about AS GOOD as it gets. You arn't even losing anything but a LOWER LEVEL ITEM!
Nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Help me out please! I will NEVER forget it!
BTW, my characters name is Azmode! Either Reply here - or mail me in game or reply to this topic!