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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default Instances unplayable - packet loss

    For the past two days, I've been unable to play as once I enter and instance my packet loss goes to at least 20% and recevie and send drop to next to nothing. It'll get to the point where my character won't even be able to move and everything else will freeze except for the ability to open menus and chat with other group members.

    I'm fine in public areas with absolutely no lag. I'm running at less that 5% packet loss with good network speed on a cable network. consistently give me 9.5 mpbs download and 2.25 mbps upload. That should be fast enough. I'm also running an Nvidia GTX295 with an intel 920 i7 chip. Network adapter is gigabit and I can play every other one of my games over the internet with no problems. I even connected to the neighbor's network and I have the exact same problem.

    Completely fine until the moment I enter an instance. This has made the game totally unplayable. I've scaled down the graphics, removed pando, setup port forwarding, and disabled windows firewall. I can't think of anything else that's causing this issue. Help will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    What is the operating system?

    Suggestion for Win7/Vista:
    right click the DDO start icon on your desktop, the reddish looking one > properties > Compatability tab > check "Run this program as an administrator"

    Can also right click start icon and select "Run as administrator" from that first menu if the above doesn't help. Some games putting a check in the Compatability tab isn't enough.

    see if your av is doing a scan. Even though I have a multicore processor (8 with the hyperthreading), when my AVG scans it slows everything down, it's accessing the hard drive alot. You should also be able to go into your av program and can add the ddo folder to a list of exceptions of not to scan. If you disable your av for testing that will tell you if it is causing the trouble, but never run a PC without some kind of av program, it's like suicide.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Snowine View Post
    What is the operating system?

    Suggestion for Win7/Vista:
    right click the DDO start icon on your desktop, the reddish looking one > properties > Compatability tab > check "Run this program as an administrator"

    Can also right click start icon and select "Run as administrator" from that first menu if the above doesn't help. Some games putting a check in the Compatability tab isn't enough.

    see if your av is doing a scan. Even though I have a multicore processor (8 with the hyperthreading), when my AVG scans it slows everything down, it's accessing the hard drive alot. You should also be able to go into your av program and can add the ddo folder to a list of exceptions of not to scan. If you disable your av for testing that will tell you if it is causing the trouble, but never run a PC without some kind of av program, it's like suicide.

    Vista x64. Runs as admin already. I do that to pretty much all the games as it can screw with them when trying to update. Not the AV. It's just a gaming computer. The only thing running besides the standard services are the games I'm playing so I make sure the only time anything runs that needs to be ran like that is done in off hours.

    The other thread with other users getting the same problem:

  4. #4
    Customer Service Representative Mirthgar's Avatar
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    I'd recommend (if you haven't yet) running through the steps here and the connection related ones here and if it keeps up open a support ticket when you can.

    NOTE: The Customer Support forums are best for Player-to-Player help, for more direct and official support, please submit a ticket to the appropriate team via the form here.

    After contacting support, log into your email webpage to add and to their "safe senders" list and your contacts list/address book. Be sure to check Spam/Junk Mail folders as well since most email providers do not let external email programs or cell phones download mail flagged this way.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I just had a similar problem with packet loss stuck between 20% and 30%. I have a netgear DG834G DSL modem/router and I noticed in its logs that it was blocking some packets with its DOS protection. I disabled the DOS protection in the router and the game runs fine now.

    I would check that your router doesn't have some kind of DOS attack protection on by default.

  6. #6
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    I have a Belkin N+. No DOS options on it.

  7. #7
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    So Today I tried everything on my router. Disabled incoming ping request security, put my PC in the DMZ, turned off Windows firewall, and disabled pretty much every safety feature possible. I'm still having the PL issue. I'll keep checking back on the boards to see if there's ever a fix for this, but as of now, the game has become completely unplayable and I've tried everything I could think of on my end and every other online game/application that I use works fine.

  8. #8
    Community Member Skani's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    From few days I have exactly the same problem. It appears at early morning hours (ETC), and I doubt theres problem at mine and Cockronk side. It started with this:

    Coincidence? Naaah...

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Jun 2009


    I turned off my DOS attacked in the Netgear Modem and still have the same problem.

    I guess it's just luck of the draw if you have the problem or not and it appears to be unfixable.

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