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  1. #1
    Community Member etelan's Avatar
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    Default Wizards lose all spells!!!

    I went onto Lamannia to test a greater reincarnation today, because I heard that all of your raid timers reset (which is true and also quite sad). I also noticed that you have turn in your favor rewards all over again and pay any plat/item prices again even though you get to keep your favor

    What stuck out the most though is that wizards lose all spells. Now I'm not saying that collecting all the scrolls again and paying for materials is the end of the world, but lesser and greater reincarnations do not imply this at all and it is a significant reincarnation overhead. Given that players keep favor, items, and tomes this reads to me like a bug. It can take several weeks or more for some players to collect their scrolls.

    Also, it seems a bit unfair to wizards as no other classes have this plat and time requirement tossed on top of their reincarnation. At the very least wizards should be given a scroll and inscription material for each spell in their spellbook before they reincarnate so they can be reinscribed. If we could actually buy new arcane scrolls on vendors when new spells are released that would certainly help...

  2. #2
    Founder Nyvn's Avatar
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    Wow, I'm not surprised Reincarnation seems to have alot of kinks that need working out. If you haven't done so yet bug report it.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    i think the real pain is the time sink of actually having to scrounge them up. sell a spell-scroll pack on the ddo store and I'd buy it for a reasonable price, just to save the time. Yes, I'm that lazy.

  4. #4
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    It would be understandable to for a Sorcerer to lose their spells, as those are achieved through innate ability.
    However, it does not make sense for a wizard to lose spells (except memorized spells) due to a reincarnation, as they have them scribed in a spell book, and their worldly possessions are transfered to their bank when they are reincarnated.
    Did you check your bank perchance?

  5. #5
    Time Bandit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromansis View Post
    it does not make sense for a wizard to lose spells (except memorized spells) due to a reincarnation, as they have them scribed in a spell book, and their worldly possessions are transfered to their bank when they are reincarnated.
    Well, that's it in a nutshell really.

  6. #6
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromansis View Post
    It would be understandable to for a Sorcerer to lose their spells, as those are achieved through innate ability.
    However, it does not make sense for a wizard to lose spells (except memorized spells) due to a reincarnation, as they have them scribed in a spell book, and their worldly possessions are transfered to their bank when they are reincarnated.
    Did you check your bank perchance?
    Well, if DDO followed PnP rules in this case:

    Spellbook, wizards: 100 pages, weighs 3 pounds. Each spell takes up 2 pages per level.

    Imagine the number of spellbooks you would have to have in your bank to hold all your spells; then there's the traveling spellbooks you have to lug around with you...

    Instead, in DDO your spells are magically inscribed on your brain, where they take up no space, and have no weight, but get erased with the rest of your knowledge when you reincarnate.

  7. #7
    Community Member etelan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Instead, in DDO your spells are magically inscribed on your brain, where they take up no space, and have no weight, but get erased with the rest of your knowledge when you reincarnate.
    Following this logic it still seems to me that wizards should still maintain spells through lesser and greater reincarnations, but not true reincarnations. If spellbooks were used I would say that should also maintain spells through true reincarnations.

  8. #8
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    On the other side of things, if your level 20 Warforged Fighter can suddenly reincarnate himself as a level 1 Drow Bard.... then I'd say there are stranger things happening here than a loss of spells.

    For the record, yes, it sucks, but the idea is that you were reincarnated as a completely different being and need to re-learn your life. Only a glimpse of your former life is evident (i.e. the past life feats) - you're otherwise a completely new character. So I'd imagine there's a good chance this may be "working as intended".
    Guess we'll have to wait and see the dev response on this.
    Last edited by Aerendil; 10-20-2009 at 01:07 PM.

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