I'm looking for some advice on what people are seeing as a good path to level from 13 to 17. Used to be I would go to Gianthold around 10 and that would get me to 13, with some Restless Isles, Desert, and Orchard quests thrown in for fun. At 13, I would run Tor, Reaver's Fate, Hound, Vale Quests, Shroud, Ascension quests, VoD, SoS flagging, SoS to cap.
Since the cap raise, it seems that (With the exception of Tor and Reaver's Fate) the LFM's for those quests are all running with level ranges 15-20. I'm not even seeing Shroud flagging quests start below 14 most of the time. Forget about a Hound, Shroud, VoD, Ascenion flagging or Reaver's Refuge quest below 15. Most run with a range of 16-20.
So, it appears to me that there is a content hole right now in the 13-16 area. In leveling my FvS I hit everything as I normally did, but ran out of Gianthold content at level 13 (Besides tor and the raid). I got over 20 of each relic and had hit all quests N,H,E (some 5 times) and was tired of it. I then found it really hard to find groups. Everyone was running VON, DQ flag quests, Titan flag quests, and Necro quests at 10-13. Even Titan raids and DQ2 raids are running at 16-20 regularly. But there seems to be very little in the 13-16 range.
As I have capped my FvS I was looking to start a new toon, but wanted to get some advice on level progressions. Is what I am seeing just a temporary thing as many players take formerly capped toons to the new cap? Or is this a more permanent trend because the cap was raised by 4 levels but they did not add 4 levels of new content at the top?
Right now I am thinking about holding off on Gianthold until level 12-13 and using that to get through the dead spot. Any ideas would be appreciated.