So after blowing a butt load on a Khopesh Vorpal and a Disruptor as soon as I could, I soon realized they rarely work. I've heard it's from Khopesh rolling crits on 20's which is what Vorpals roll on?
So after blowing a butt load on a Khopesh Vorpal and a Disruptor as soon as I could, I soon realized they rarely work. I've heard it's from Khopesh rolling crits on 20's which is what Vorpals roll on?
Last edited by KolbyLMD; 10-19-2009 at 01:23 PM. Reason: Fudged the title.
vorpals only happen on 20s regardless of crit range; there's no benefit in a vorpal khopesh over any other vorpal (except the highest crits will kill faster if you are really unlucky)
disruption is save or die on every hit, again, crit range doesnt matter
crit range matters for smiting and banishing